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Training Speed Analysis 2

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From: Kwan

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78242.427 in reply to 78242.1
Date: 4/28/2011 9:31:13 PM
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Does training take longer for higher levels of attributes? Age and elastic effect are certainly factors in a practical scenario. How many weeks does it take for pops for marvelous and higher skills?

From: Fresh24

To: Kwan
This Post:
78242.428 in reply to 78242.427
Date: 4/29/2011 2:30:24 AM
Syndicalists' BC
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Does training take longer for higher levels of attributes?

This Post:
78242.429 in reply to 78242.428
Date: 4/29/2011 3:58:21 AM
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that's not exactly true.

higher skill levels, on average, do take a bit longer to pop. This is because of the elastic effect. However, this depends on the other skills of the same player. One marvelous skill will take a long time to train if no other skill is above respectable, while there is no difference to training a respectable skill when the guys other main skills are around marvelous as well.

This Post:
78242.430 in reply to 78242.429
Date: 4/29/2011 4:26:34 AM
Syndicalists' BC
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reading his entire message, it seems he understands there is an elastic effect and was just asking if a low level skill takes longer to pop relative to a high level skill independent of all other variables, and as you re-iterated, the answer is no.

From: zyler
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78242.431 in reply to 78242.430
Date: 4/29/2011 7:26:48 AM
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trying to understand the elastic effect better.

say i had a player with these skills

Jump Shot: marvelous Jump Range: prominent
Outside Def.: marvelous Handling: sensational
Driving: proficient Passing: strong

would passing train considerably faster ?

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78242.434 in reply to 78242.433
Date: 4/29/2011 5:27:20 PM
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The easiest way would be to look at a capped all-star potential player and compare his salary now with last year's salary.
But as for 60k, I think that depends a lot on his actual skill set.

And at the end of the day, an all-star will always be an all-star (skillwise) this year, only his salary will be less (but the tv-contract also so globally it should balance out).

PS: a) I think potential also has sublevels, but can someone confirm this? (hall of fame says "10" and all time great says "10+") Can it be anything?
b) legendary says "20+". So, could you have two "legendary" rebounders, only one of them has RB=21 and the other one RB=23?
c)I believe GS is hard capped at exactly 9.0. Stamina is capped at "prominent (10)". Or is should it say 10+... ?

lots of questions...

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
78242.436 in reply to 78242.434
Date: 4/30/2011 7:44:42 AM
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PS: a) I think potential also has sublevels, but can someone confirm this? (hall of fame says "10" and all time great says "10+") Can it be anything?
b) legendary says "20+". So, could you have two "legendary" rebounders, only one of them has RB=21 and the other one RB=23?
c)I believe GS is hard capped at exactly 9.0. Stamina is capped at "prominent (10)". Or is should it say 10+... ?

a) that could be true, but right now i don't believe it.
b) yes. skills are not capped at 20, you can have 21, 22 etc, it just doesn't show up. Aristotelis Degulys fro Lietuva NT has OD more than 20, he was trained a lot in od past legendary and his salary increased because of that.
c) yes, GS is capped at 9.0. and it starts with 6.5 every season when GS reset happens. stamina is also capped at 10.

of course i can't confirm this with proofs :) but i believe this is how it is.

Last edited by Rycka at 4/30/2011 7:49:22 AM

This Post:
78242.437 in reply to 78242.436
Date: 4/30/2011 9:16:09 AM
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When the GS reset, it's at 6.5? Shouldn't all the GS be at average then? I thought it starts on the lowest sublevel of respectable, so reset at 7.0.
