I think the subject of this forum is about how to get more user for bb, not........., so we should get back.
By the way I use bb on opera on my cell. I am able to access every thing except viewer and drop down menu. In India majority student had multimedia cell phones and majority of them had interenet connection. India had largest 15-24 age group in world and most of them are crazy for online games, the only fact is about popularity of basketball, but it is increasing day by day.
Last year I created a page on fb will name buzzerbeater India, but after my fb account getting banned for few days and with a fear of loosing account or copy right like things, I changed it to Basketball India and used to update my status on both page and my account about bb. At that time India reached around 200 mark but then declined rapidly and I didn't know is that raise in users was because of my page or advertisements by bbs. There can be huge jump in addition of users. The only need is of a right step in right direction.
Last edited by BBall_king at 10/27/2012 5:07:32 AM