Player pool:TSP = total skill points
(23628505) ,35 years, guard, 115 TSP, propably last season for the NT but still one of the best guards
(22673873), 35 years, PF/C, 108 TSP, also the last season for the NT
(26026001), 33 years, PG, 121 TSP, our nr.1 guard in the NT with exellent game shape through the last seasons
(26311479), 32 years, SF, 138 TSP, our main SF and currently the leading player in TSP in Sweden, very balanced
(26311181), 32 years, SF, 128 TSP, the strongest "Superstar" and also a very balanced player, a light version of Mazzolini
(26311732), 32 years, PF, 128 TSP, strong inside skills paired with exellent handling and a good outside shooter and passer
(27460888), 31 years, SF, 129 TSP, something in between of Mazzolini and Tunggard. most of the time with an exellent game shape and a very aggressive player
(27460754), 31 years, SF, 126 TSP, another strong SF who has no weakness thanks to a balanced skill set. he can play in every tactic
(27461066), 31 years, SG, 124 TSP, our back up of the last seasons, very strong defender
(28622932), 30 years, PF/C, 133 TSP, receives training and can play in every tactic an important role. Together with Sandbom one of the pillars of our inside game
(28622847), 30 years, no position, 131 TSP, a player from the group "unique" with monstrous defense of a C and the tools of a PG.
(28622993), 30 years, no position, 130 TSP, and another player who has a very rare setting and can play every position on the offense!
(29885532), 30 years, PG/SG, 120 TSP, unfortunately an unbalanced skillset but could turn out to be interessting
(29885591), 29 years, C, 113 TSP, offensive beast
(30858004), 28 years, SF, 115 TSP, a very balanced SF with an exellent manager. If he can generate more skills, he will succed one of the older SFs
(31909798), 27 years, C, 113 TSP, defense monster who gets still training in guard skills
(33689846), 25 years, PF, 122 TSP, and the youngest player with at least 120 TSP. He can play in every tactic and has an dedicated manager who keeps him in GS and trains him till his limit.
(34495290), 24 years, G, 90 TSP, a prospect. he could turn out to be an outside guard or it could be not enough. everything depends on his training
(35350416), 23 years, SG, 105 TSP, a monster in the making. Unblievebale training speed, already one of the best defenders and he will be the best outside player at the end of the season. Currently the brightest young player in the pool.
(35935391), 23 years, PG, 100 TSP, receives training to improve his outiside shooting. If his potential gives enough room for improvement, he could turn out as a fanatstic supporter guard
(36171202), 23 years, G, 95 TSP, trains fast and has already a good skill basis. Everything dependa now on how well he will be trained.
(36976134), 23 years, G/SF, 96 TSP, will receive OD training for the whole season and after that his offense will be improved
(36171154), 22 years, C, 74 TSP, strong inside attacker who needs some guard skills before finishing his inside skills.
(36975202), 22 years, G, 86 TSP, a balanced skill basis and he needs the specific training now
(36975313), 21 years, C, 83 TSP, gets outside skills. his manager will make a strong PF/C out of him.
I hope I did't forgot any players. If someone of you has a interessting player, contact me. The younger ones (21 and younger) aren't listed with one exeption, Westerlund. But there are a lot of promising players. It's a strong player pool...
Last edited by Nachtmahr at 6/4/2016 11:05:17 AM