I said that training was slowed down, around S18ish (fact).
Can you prove me wrong?
I already did. NTs ratings (use bbstats) are down and B3 ratings in the KO phase were down before they streamlined enthusiasm. It's unfortunate that Buzzer-manager doesn't track the average payroll from previous seasons, but I guarantee you that salaries in D1 are down 15%-20% and only a very few percentage points are due to the senseless policy of reducing salary every season, however you can get the feeling yourself.
Rating is pointless to judge both a single match and the trend in the game. (opinion) Now either there is a possibility to simulate a match between a whatever team of 10 season ago with a current one of the same level or we'll never go out of the opinion field (fact).
Meh, I wonder if I really need to explain that ratings reflect the skills of the players. This is a fact. Lower skill and lower GS result in lower ratings. You may be able to win a game with lower TSP on the floor, of course, but the ratings will be worse too. So yeah the ratings reflect some key skills at each position and they have been declining.
Calling ~350k salary vs ~600k win "me vs tanker"... (your deadly wrong opinion)
Ok, I'll bite. Link?
I think it's doable (opinion), though I don't see the point.
The point would be to prove your misguided opinion, stated once again, that it's doable. At least Joemaverick, a manager with more accolades that you or me, has the common sense to admit che รจ impossibile.
As many times stated by BBs, by design the point of the game is to mix training and market (fact).
Sure but someone failed to realise that either there cannot be enough trained players for everyone or teams will never be as good (on average) as 10 seasons ago.
They still haven't reached a complete balance, but we are fluctuating around the balance point (opinion).
Until someone proves that you can win a promotion to D1 in a medium to large nation without resorting to the market it means that someone in this game will train for those who do. So there are users who by the way the system is designed must have untrained players, scrubs etc. You are relying on these people to train players for other users like you and me (well more you than me) who are sitting in D1. It's like a Ponzi scheme which was supported by 2 things:
1) People having farm teams (this is cheating) which were used to train the players, mostly for the NTs, their main team could not produce
2) Numbers falling combined with free agency which was taking trained players in teams going bot (including the aforementioned farms) and putting them on the market
Now both things don't happen anymore, not on the same scale they used to, and ooops player quality is dropping, prices are rising etc etc
The balance point you talk about is D1 teams playing with what would have been a D2 teams in season 25. This is the equilibrium point, which you should acknowledge looking at the state of your own league, where it's highly likely salaries went down like everywhere else.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 12/20/2016 11:31:46 AM