Salary wise LI is most cost-efficient. But it can be optimized. Now two problems you get with LI salary wise is:
1: you would like to have better offensive flow and more high percentage shots. But for LI guards passing jacks up the salary.
IS on guards is free salary wise.
2: You want to have 20 IS atleast for your big men with decent rebounding and defence. But this jacks up the salary for centers.
PA on centers is free salary wise.
Do you see solution? It is natural. Best PF playing as SF; PG and SG with 20 IS playing offensively as PF and C and defending as PG/SG. 20 Passing big mens with oly rebounding and decent inside defence and maybe some little 10 js, driving playing as PG and SG and defending PF and C. You get perfect offensive flow, low salaries but loose offensive rebounding. But offensive rebounding can be compensated with higher defensive rebounding/better inside defence on centers because of low salaries.
In seasons 20-23 i had tried this kinda. In lower lever worked. had 16 and 14 Passing big mens defensive minded; and guards with 16 and 17 IS. Made to div 2, got to college, had no time, quited. Had games with 60-80% assited shots for SF, PF, C. centers offensively are terrible like bellow 40 percent, but as they have high passing they tend not to shot that much.
Going to retry this. Training my own draftee to like 18-19 IS guard. toobad so low potentia. But i can train IS over cap because he will be playing center
So 20 IS here we go.
Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 6/12/2019 3:14:04 AM