I know very well that enthusiasm tend to go back to 5, but I checked it only a couple of hours after my TIE game took place. You can't possibly argue that tendency of enthusiasm to go back to its default level is so severe that in only a couple of hours effects of TIE are almost completely negated. I mean, at this rate there is almost no point in playing TIE. And I know for a fact that that was not the case in the past.
When I decided to TIE that game, I thought I was doing something smart, something that will benefit me in long term, but in reality all I did was help my opponent to land me the most embarrassing defeat of the season (-46) which had an immediate impact on my economy, and may I add, will most likely have just as severe effect on my future games attendance. And for what? Three days later I'm back to almost exact same enthusiasm level as I was before that TIE.
If this is indeed not a bug, but rather one of the normal features of new engine, BB should definitely reevaluate their latest decisions in that respect. I know, I know, it seems like I brag a lot, but just look around the forum.. do you see how many users are dissatisfied with the way this game engine works?