You really can't compare them.
...but Jason, the express purpose of this thread and this tournament is to do exactly that.
To be fair, I would rather watch Hitch than American Beauty any day...but I will also be quick to recognize that American Beauty represents a greater film-making achievement than Hitch by a long shot. Hitch is a formulaic movie that fits right in line with many other films of its era. I can watch any number of similar movies and achieve a comparable sense of enjoyment. While you contend that Hitch is the best among these films, that is certainly not true for everyone. I respect your right to choose your own favorite movie and happen to enjoy watching the one you chose.
You criticize the original poster for attacking your favorite movie and your immediate response is to imply (more or less) that anyone who likes American Beauty must inherently be a pervert. If you want him to be more respectful of what you like, I would suggest a different approach. American Beauty is a film that is widely recognized for its intriguing story, great acting, and thought-provoking nature. Similar to you, Jason, I do not particularly enjoy watching the film and may never see it again. However, each is entitled to his own opinion.
I am perfectly happy to list Hot Rod and Saving Silverman among my all-time favorite movies. I also understand why they would never make it into a tournament like this with a fighting chance. The fact that I love watching a movie does not necessitate that it is universally loved...and I hope you can similarly continue liking Hitch even if it does not rank among others' favorite movies of all time.