tja jeg startede selv uden at vide andet end at det galt om at få fat i spiller der havde gode overall kampe eller gode i et par kategorier. Dvs at man egentligt skulle undgå såkaldte 1-side spillere så som DeMar DeRozan.
Grunden er at vi, som jeg forstår det, sætter den samlede score for en uges produktion i hver kategori op mod den ugentlige modstanderes score.
ESPN allows you to manage your head-to-head team throughout season. Unlike previous versions of the game where the system enforced a game starts limit, the system enforces a maximum number of acquisitions allowed per head-to-head matchup. An "acquisition" is defined as a player added from free agency (or waivers) to a team's roster. The rule is simple - you are allowed an average of one (1) acquisition per day in which there is an NBA game played. So for a typical 7-day NBA week, each team is allowed seven (7) acquisitions. Once the acquisitions limit is reach, a team will no longer be able to add players until the following matchup begins. Note that under this rule change, the system will not enforce any maximum number of games played in the H2H game. This rule was instituted to protect against teams who streamed players on the last day each week and we hope it provides a better experience managing your team.
Går ud fra at det med fed betyder at man kan skifte lige så tosset ud man vil med spillere fra bænken således at man kan få flere kampe ind i scorer.
Så overordnet set skulle man vel sætte et hold op hver dag ud fra hvem der spiller. Nogen der ved om det har betydning om hvor de spiller - altså hvilken slot de er placeret på?