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Indonesia NT 21

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305146.44 in reply to 305146.43
Date: 5/2/2022 3:57:51 PM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hi guys,

In just a few hours we are starting with a tournament for this season. I waited until the last moment to invite players for the first game. They were all scouted and then removed from the team to hide what players we have.

The first opponent is the national team of Colombia. They are strong, would say have more quality players than we do but we will try to make a surprise and to win even we play at their home court.

I hope to have great news for you tomorrow and if you have time, please support our boys. (In Serbia it will be 1.30 AM so I doubt I will watch the game).


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.45 in reply to 305146.44
Date: 5/16/2022 10:28:06 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
It passed a while from my previous post so I will cover all three games we had this season...

Indonesia U21 92 - 105 Colombia U21

The first game in this year competition went bad for us. We hit their focus, but they were too strong for us and they had home court advantage.

Costa Rica U21 69 - 102 Indonesia U21

Game against Costa Rica was better. Again, focus was guessed and we had an easy win with a huge difference which is very important

Azerbaycan U21 88 - 111 Indonesia U21

And today we played against Azerbaycan. We guessed their focus and also a speed. We also invested less effort than they are and again had an easy win.

One of the problems is that we couldn't count on one of our the best players Yosyoppie Utama who suffered an injury and will be out for two weeks. Also, the second best player Tommy Putra Wirayuda is out of game shape and we hope he will be better next week when we will play against Lubnan. With a win against them, we will be in great position to advance in the next round of competition...

Thanks for reading and let me again invite you to join me and start writing here. Also, I am here for any questions, I will be glad to answer and resolve all doubts you maybe have!


Last edited by LA-Мартиненко at 5/16/2022 10:28:19 AM

No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.46 in reply to 305146.45
Date: 5/30/2022 9:28:51 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Wooooow what a match!

Thanks to the manager kasep (50601) for the great organization of our match against Panama in the full greenmonster arena.

We were losing for a whole match, and then the match got tied at the very end of the 4th quarter. After that, we had to play 2 overtime periods and we WON at the end!

Panama U21 92 - 101 Indonesia

Again one of our best players suffered an injury during the match but the rest of the guys then took revenge for him and took a very important win.

The report from the previous match against Lubnan wasn't this good, we lost easily at their home. If you take a look at their ranking you would say they are an easy opponent but the roster says totally different as well as their previous matches.

We still do have theoretical chances to advance to the next round of the competition but it will be hard. We have matches against Hellas and France at their homes where we will be underdogs but we won't go there with a white flag!

Stay tuned and cheers for our guys.


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.47 in reply to 305146.46
Date: 7/3/2022 7:53:06 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hello again,

I have to say I was quite dissaponted not reaching the next round of competition. We put all our effort to win the match against Greece but without success. They were too strong for us, unfortunately.

As I wrote on NT wall when I took this team can be seen again. We are somewhere in the middle by strength and we need a lot of luck to advance to later stages of competitions. This season we had matches we couldn’t win, they were in Greece and France so we could not afford to lose one more match except those two. Unfortunately, we played Lubnan at their court, and that one stopped us for advancing into the next round.

Now we are playing scrimmages, as every season, I will let 21 year old players in the team so you will be able to get more money if transfer list them.

If you need any help about training your players, do not hesitate to contact me,


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.48 in reply to 305146.47
Date: 7/26/2022 4:32:11 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hey guys,

There is one player on TL that played for U21 this season and for sure will be a part of the U21 National team next season...

He needs to get passing training so if he fits your training plan and you have money - buy him. That way you will have our NT


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.49 in reply to 305146.48
Date: 7/27/2022 2:02:47 PM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hey guys,

Draftees have arrived. I collected all players and for now contacted managers of 18-year-old players of potential 7, 8, 9, and 10. All others can expect my message in days to come.

This draft report looks like this:
18 years old:
- potential 10 x 1 player
- potential 9 x 2 players
- potential 8 x 6 players
- potential 7 x 8 players
- potential 6 x 15 players

19 years old:
- potential 10 x 5 players
- potential 9 x 5 players
- potential 8 x 5 players
- potential 7 x 13 players
- potential 6 x 16 players

If you need any help in training or an advice about anything, do not hesitate to contact me, I would be really glad to help you!

Cheers and don't forget to vote in elections!

No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.51 in reply to 305146.50
Date: 7/28/2022 7:04:56 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy

Terima kasih kepada rekan LA saya, LA-sionk, untuk terjemahannya.

Saya sangat ingin mencoba membangunkan masyarakat Indonesia agar kita bisa merayakan piala tim nasional. Langkah pertama adalah menggunakan google translate (seperti sekarang) dan memiliki semua pesan saya dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat dokumen google dan membagikan keterampilan pemain kepada Anda, sehingga Anda dapat benar-benar melihat pemain apa yang kami miliki dan mengapa beberapa dari mereka diundang untuk bergabung dengan tim nasional, dan yang lainnya tidak...



Thanks to my LA colleague, LA-sionk, for the translation.

I would really like to try to wake up the Indonesian community so we can then celebrate national team trophies. The first step will be to use google translate (like now) and have all my messages in both, English and Indonesian language. The next step will be to create a google document and to have player skills shared with you, so you can actually see what players we have and why some of them are invited to join the national team, and others not...


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.52 in reply to 305146.41
Date: 8/6/2022 12:06:01 PM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hai kawan!

Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda selama pemilu. Saya akan mencoba untuk membenarkan harapan Anda!

Saat ini saya sedang berlibur (sayangnya tidak di Bali), makanya saya tidak begitu hadir disini. Semua pemain yang seharusnya cukup berharga untuk skuad U21 dibina dan keterampilan mereka disimpan di lembar google yang akan dibagikan kepada Anda.

Juga, saya akan mencoba membuat utas forum dengan penjelasan pelatihan ...

Pantau terus...



Hi guys!

Thank you for your support during the elections. I will try to justify your expectations!

I am currently on vacation (unfortunately not in Bali), and that's why I am not that present here. All players that should be worth enough to the U21 squad are scouted and their skills are saved in google sheets that will be shared with you.

Also, I will try to create a forum thread with training explanations...

Stay tuned...


No guts, no glory!
This Post:
305146.53 in reply to 305146.52
Date: 8/8/2022 6:25:25 AM
Бесни Цветићи
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hai teman-teman,

Izinkan saya menulis laporan dari pertandingan pertama musim ini.

Indonesia 87 - 102 Filipina

Sayangnya, kami menderita kekalahan pertama. Saya tidak berpikir kami terlalu lemah, tetapi bentuk permainan kami lebih buruk daripada mereka dan itu membuat kami menang. Itu benar-benar mencegah kami memikirkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari pelanggaran di dalam, dan mereka siap untuk itu. Saya dapat mengatakan bahwa saya puas dengan cara kami bermain. Kami memiliki lebih banyak rebound daripada mereka, tetapi masalahnya adalah kami kehilangan tembakan kami ...

Salah satu kelemahannya adalah tembakan kami dari garis lemparan bebas. Kami seharusnya lebih baik dari 15 dari 26.

Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya, berapa banyak dari Anda yang memiliki lapangan pelatihan? Saya kira Anda tahu bahwa itu berfungsi untuk memunculkan keterampilan tembakan lemparan bebas tanpa secara eksplisit melatihnya. Jika Anda punya uang, akan lebih baik untuk membangunnya, level 1 sudah cukup dan biayanya 500k.

Selain itu, semua pelatih yang memiliki pemain di Tim Nasional dapat mengharapkan BB-mail sehingga kami akan memiliki rencana pelatihan tentang apa yang kami lewatkan.

Pertandingan berikutnya adalah melawan Jepang, kami menderita kekalahan seminggu yang lalu di scrimmage jadi sekarang kami sedang mempersiapkan pembalasan kami.



Hey guys,

Let me write a report from the first match this season.

Indonesia 87 - 102 Philippine

Unfortunately, we suffered the first loss. I don't think we were too weaker, but our game shape was worse than theirs and that cost us the win. It actually prevented us from thinking about anything different than inside offense, and they were prepared for that. I can say that I am satisfied with how we played. We had more rebounds than they, but problem is that we were missing our shots...

One of the weaknesses is our shots from the free throw line. We should be better than 15 from 26.

Can you tell me, how many of you have training court? I guess you know that it serves to bring up a free throw shot skill without explicitly training it. If you have money, it will be good to build it, level 1 is enough and it will cost you 500k.

Other than that, all trainers having players on National Team can expect BB-mail so we will have a training plan on what we are missing.

The next match is against Japan, we suffered a loss a week ago in the scrimmage so now we are preparing our vengeance.


No guts, no glory!