But you could, if you wanted to, go out and buy a whole team of Italians. As I write this there are 210 Italians with salaries over $10000 (about what it takes to start on your team) on the TL.There are 4 Thais of the same caliber. What's more, they are the only four on the TL.
I don't know how much difference it makes to have a local player, your own draftee, or an NT player. It certainly makes some difference.
And this is an advantage?Really?Why it should be an advantage,in a global market?
I don't understand how can it help me,the only difference to have local players is a very little difference(5k/week?) about incomes in merchandising.STOP.It doesn't help me in enjoying the game,it doesn't give me any advantage in economy(read my previous post),it doesn't give me any advantage in game engine(doesn't exist chemistry,the same skill have the same value in the all the bb-world)
Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/27/2010 9:00:49 AM