BBs have thouhght that SB was too useless,they make some changes in the new Ge about it,but the problem is that this skill havn't any sense,so if you want to have a sort of realistic game,it cannot have much more weight
so we could put it into ID a bit, and maybe the NBA guys a wrong to consider a strong blocker a good defender ;) But Blocking is for sure a part of it, and thats why it wasn't a unrealistic change(in my eyes timing is main part of a good shoot blocker, for you the timing for a block was ID)
Or reduce the effect on salary, so that it reflect the influence in the GE was the easy way, but maybe the insuuficient because you should also strengthen the blocking training.
And what about the newbies,the base fo a community is to share the information about the game,in Italy we create another guide beside the rules to share what the great part of community learn about this game,and if a newbie ask some question without reading the rules,we reccomend to read it
That's maybe why Italian is the stronger community,together with the Spanish,of BB,as TV contract clearly say ;D
which is the NBA of BB clearly germany with a 120k contract ;)
And sorry even this guide was without good information about arena for long time, ok this is fixed so that your decisions was right - maybe because of this you could call you a strong community when changes are considered good is they strengthen your community and impossible if they goes about your fact and remove a big leap of this game.