Fields lo pagano assai bene, purtroppo.
Ho appena letto che White è sparito da tre giorni. Allucinante. Questo non ci sta con la capoccia, altro che tripla doppia di media.Rockets forward Marcus Morris said he has not seen White for three days. "I think it's been three days," Morris said. "I haven't seen him today, yesterday and the day before. "That's my teammate. So anytime you haven't really heard from him or you haven't seen him you get some thoughts about him." FOX 26 SportsRockets owner Leslie Alexander expressed concern for White. "That's tenuous and it's tough to talk about something like that," Alexander said. "I think we are going to handle it internally, but it's tough. If he doesn't work out, well it's tough to lose a draft choice." And if that happens? "I would feel bad for Royce and I would feel very bad for the team," Alexander said. The Rockets have not said yet how they will penalize White for being away from the team. "We have internal repercussions which I'm not going to talk about," Alexander said. FOX 26 Sports
Fields lo pagano assai bene, purtroppo. mi sa che il buon Landry più che fare canestro al momento ha altri interessi:
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