There is actually an imbalance in the game engine.
3-2 works much better for an inside team than 2-3 does with outside teams(and then this ones normally have to play m2m), it's easy to check it.
In other works, a great inside defender or outside defender can be outscored from another top scorer in m2m, but when the inside team plays a 3-2 the situation changes a lot while the 2-3 won't help on ID, just a little bonus on rebound and will lose OD...
Just check Pacers game, with m2m i bet he was going to win that game, the 2-3 dind't really help him.
Also it's really hard for outside teams to beat the HCA during the B3(first rounds ofc) against a good OD, scoring from the 3pt line it's so hard.
I don't know exactly how the box works yet, but i don't expect this situation changes in the future, unless there's a good tactical change which i don't expect.
Last edited by Marot at 4/8/2011 9:16:31 AM