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BB USA > Only 3300 Users in the USA

Only 3300 Users in the USA

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From: Dawson

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154943.46 in reply to 154943.45
Date: 9/26/2010 11:27:39 PM
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I'm pretty sure I would sit in a 24/7 chat most of the day...

From: BFiddy

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154943.47 in reply to 154943.46
Date: 9/27/2010 12:42:46 AM
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154943.49 in reply to 154943.40
Date: 9/27/2010 9:13:13 AM
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[qWhen players are training defense, what determines what skill they would train in? Does it go by height, position played, a combination, or something else altogether? ]

Defense would train both ID and OD, but height and age would come into it. Position would be immaterial. So tall people would gain more ID, short would get more OD. Old players would not gain much. The current settings for age and height could be used.

As to the 'I don't want players trained to save on salary' question, use a tick box saying 'no training' and then these players would not be trained. Hattrick does this, so it is not hard to implement.

This Post:
154943.52 in reply to 154943.50
Date: 9/29/2010 9:17:00 AM
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Spoken like the electrical engineers in the NY Power Pool the day before the entire East Coast went dark.

The unrealistic training system is a major reason this fine game is losing active players and not getting new ones.

If you haven't figured that out, you have not been paying attention all those seasons you have been playing.

This Post:
154943.53 in reply to 154943.52
Date: 9/29/2010 2:56:16 PM
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IMO the way the training is set up the way it is, is because the way that they built the game engine and how it operates. Again the way the training is set up is my favorite aspect of this game. It makes it much more challenging to move up in divisions.

This Post:
154943.54 in reply to 154943.53
Date: 9/30/2010 8:55:17 AM
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So what are your suggestions for increasing the number of USA players?

As with all "I like BB the way it is" responses in this thread, what changes would any of you make to increase the number of USA teams? Clearly, standing pat is not a real option.

Saying "I like it the way it is, so don't change" is also a totally irrelevant comment for this specific thread, BTW. Most of you have played many seasons. We all know you like the game. Your happiness is not the issue. Getting new USA players is.
