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Greatest Movie Tourament?

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167451.45 in reply to 167451.44
Date: 1/3/2011 11:03:34 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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Um, that's not how it ends. You should watch it again. Or at least re-type the second-to-last sentence to make the pronoun less confusing. Also, he never sleeps with the girl. Watch it again.

Not sure what your hatred of Hitch is...and if you hate it, thats cool...thats the wondeful thing about a zillion movies to choose from...there is something for all of us. And if you like sordid tales of perversion, then you can watch American Beauty over and over....

You seem awfully hung up on the underage chick part of that movie, which was a rather minor detail. If you want a truly sordid tale of perversion, watch The Human Centipede.

Okay, she kills him, or something like that :-) ..he dies, by a gun...I remember that part :-) I have no desire to watch that trash again.

I am not hung up at all...Its just a fact, older dude falls for the younger girl...He might not have gone all the way with the girl, but went much further than it should have...and I disagree about it being a mirnor detail.....

My whole point to what i said was how I find it amazing that someone would esteem a twisted movie, and trash a movie that others found so entertaining..and he did it so vehemently...I dont care if he or anyone hates hitch...comparing Hitch to American Beauty, or Rocky, or any other type of movie is just silly. The reason I or anyone would want to watch a comedy is very different than why you would watch a move like Shawshank redemption or Mama Mia....You really can't compare them.

From: BFiddy

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167451.46 in reply to 167451.45
Date: 1/4/2011 12:30:15 AM
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You really can't compare them.

...but Jason, the express purpose of this thread and this tournament is to do exactly that.

To be fair, I would rather watch Hitch than American Beauty any day...but I will also be quick to recognize that American Beauty represents a greater film-making achievement than Hitch by a long shot. Hitch is a formulaic movie that fits right in line with many other films of its era. I can watch any number of similar movies and achieve a comparable sense of enjoyment. While you contend that Hitch is the best among these films, that is certainly not true for everyone. I respect your right to choose your own favorite movie and happen to enjoy watching the one you chose.

You criticize the original poster for attacking your favorite movie and your immediate response is to imply (more or less) that anyone who likes American Beauty must inherently be a pervert. If you want him to be more respectful of what you like, I would suggest a different approach. American Beauty is a film that is widely recognized for its intriguing story, great acting, and thought-provoking nature. Similar to you, Jason, I do not particularly enjoy watching the film and may never see it again. However, each is entitled to his own opinion.

I am perfectly happy to list Hot Rod and Saving Silverman among my all-time favorite movies. I also understand why they would never make it into a tournament like this with a fighting chance. The fact that I love watching a movie does not necessitate that it is universally loved...and I hope you can similarly continue liking Hitch even if it does not rank among others' favorite movies of all time.
From: Jason

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167451.47 in reply to 167451.46
Date: 1/4/2011 12:56:01 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
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I don't want to go round and round, but let me try one last time to articulate my point:

I don't think, nor did I ever say Hitch was a great film making achievement. I simply said I like Hitch, its my favorite. I think comparing Hitch, to other movies that are regarded as film making achievements is silly. They arent in the same category, and weren't trying to accomplish the same thing. Much in the same way that I was saying that Hitch is so much more entertaining than a movie I personally regard as trash, (I was using the same tactics) I would never want to compare a comedy to a serious movie or one intended to be some sort of film making achievment.

This is like comparing my basketball ability to that of an NBA player. I enjoy playing ball, and think I have a pretty good 3 point shot, but I would never compare my 3 point shooting to Kobe Bryants...Just plain silly.

Again, I never said I think Hitch is the best among these, or any films. It happens to be my favorite...I don't understand slamming Hitch or any other movie to build up your own favorite. By pointing out the perverted themes in American Beauty to build up the simplistic entertainment of Hitch doesn't really work does it? That was my point. Neither does putting down comedies, or other types of movies to build up another one. I am all for different opinions and the varying tastes in movies and other forms of entertainment. If someone enjoys American Beauty, that is fine too, LOL, I was just using the same tactic to make a point.

The origonal post said that anyone who mentions Hitch as a great movie loses all credibility...thats pretty strong....I don't have any credibility because I enjoy Hitch and its my favorite to watch? That seems kind of mean don't you think? "Hitch is absolutely pathetic" that is what he said....Okay, that by itself is a credible statement if thats his opinion...but basing its patheticness against other movies in other genres is what loses credibility to me.

Anyway, I am done with this. I just felt his aggression and demonstrative declaration that anyone who likes likes Hitch loses credibility rubbed a nerve with me. I am entitled to like whatever movie I like, and it doesnt make me any better, or worse than anyone else.

I think I am in the mood to go watch Hitch now, cya :-)

Last edited by Jason at 1/4/2011 1:04:17 AM

From: BFiddy

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167451.48 in reply to 167451.47
Date: 1/4/2011 1:36:46 AM
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I said most of the same things as you.

At no point in what I said was I trying to defend that dude's post. He was being an a-hole
From: Gologol

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167451.49 in reply to 167451.48
Date: 1/4/2011 5:43:13 PM
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I think it was a great idea to put on a movie tournament, specially as a crowd involver in between seasons. But agreeing by committee on the 64 greatest movies that were ever filmed isn't going to happen. If you are young, you have a lot of cinema to catch up on, and if you're older maybe it's getting tougher to accept new movies as legitimate contenders to your preferred classics.

Then of course are obvious genre biases. The OP meant this to be fun little group thing. Let's all lighten up and not be little movie experts.

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167451.50 in reply to 167451.45
Date: 1/4/2011 7:39:59 PM
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Um, that's not how it ends. You should watch it again. Or at least re-type the second-to-last sentence to make the pronoun less confusing. Also, he never sleeps with the girl. Watch it again.

Not sure what your hatred of Hitch is...and if you hate it, thats cool...thats the wondeful thing about a zillion movies to choose from...there is something for all of us. And if you like sordid tales of perversion, then you can watch American Beauty over and over....

You seem awfully hung up on the underage chick part of that movie, which was a rather minor detail. If you want a truly sordid tale of perversion, watch The Human Centipede.

Okay, she kills him, or something like that :-) ..he dies, by a gun...I remember that part :-) I have no desire to watch that trash again.

Nope, the neighbor kills him. Hope I didn't spoil it for you ;)

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
167451.51 in reply to 167451.50
Date: 1/4/2011 7:47:10 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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Nope, the neighbor kills him. Hope I didn't spoil it for you ;)

LOL, Nope, we're good ;)