I saw what Patje saw too, yet I also thought it was only scrimmages...
Maybe the bug is that new teams with 1 week free supporter see their own country's flag, or maybe it was meant that way, and isn't a bug at all.
After all, should a new team get 1 week supporter, they might never see any flag before the week expires, and that way they mis 1 feature of the supporter package, while the free week is meant to show the new players the features so they can decide they want it or not, so... maybe that's why the flag shows...
in the end, there is prefixed scrimmages for teams with their own country (during POs). So sooner or later you get it automatically anyway, I wouldn't challenge one of your own country, unless it would be the last flag you need.
EDIT: just to tell you all I gain my 51st flag on thursday. My cup runs keep me low on flags, and to know I was once well ahead of GEMBO and so far haven't scrimmaged a team from the same country twice so far...
Well, at least I have almost all the small ones (just missing Malta, and the 2 new countries, and al others I need have more then 100 users, so I don't think I will have trouble collecting those. ;) )
Last edited by Lord of Doom at 8/18/2009 3:02:59 PM
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