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Should the NBA retire Jordan's 23?? (thread closed)

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111466.46 in reply to 111466.45
Date: 9/25/2009 1:57:33 AM
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harshly correct/insult me

Again, if you though that was harsh you have some serious growing up to do.

Tough guy was a joke

Obviously. It was just a stupid one.

Saying I dont know anything about hockey based on this discussion is not only an ad hominem argument, it is a flame.
That isn't precisely correct, but any explanation why would go way to far over your head. Lets just say that it always seems to be people like you who instantly resort to ad hominem every time you feel insulted.

Gretzky never negotiated with any other team but the Kings.

It took you about a thousand words to get here, but this is the essential point of your argument. It is true, but only to a point because the Kings WERE THE ONLY TEAM TO APPROACH GRETZKY DIRECTLY.

you make it sound like it was McNall who told Gretzky what was up.

How does stating that McNall approached Gretzky sound anything like that? It doesn't. Lovely straw man though.

Dont feel sorry for me bro, I live 300 yards from the beach in a nice house, and my hot beautiful GF just showed up with movies, snacks and beer. I am doing ok.

I know this is not true because of the following:

The three people I showed this thread to all said some version of 'he was looking for a fight or argument'

Why would you waste your time showing this to anyone at all if that was true? How can this conversation be that important to you?

Isn't it amazing though how everyone you meet on line has an incredibly perfect life. Tell me again about your wonderful life. Fascinating, really.


...oooorrrrrr it could mean I've found someone who takes everything personally and thinks everyone else does as well, and I have some time to kill. Just because you are easily insulted yourself does mean that everyone else is equally thin-skinned.

All I said was that I hated it when people spread that story. I will tell you this one more time - IT IS JUST A SAYING. AN IDIOM. A THROW-AWAY PHRASE. It means nothing more than an expression of mild irritation, akin to rough toilet paper if you will. The sooner you learn this type of thing the easier it will be for you to avoid conversations like this n'est-ce pas?

Now will you please just let it go? I'll even pretend I believe you have a girlfriend if you just stop. This conversation was entertaining until you started with the make believe, and now I'm just bored.

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111466.47 in reply to 111466.46
Date: 9/25/2009 6:31:58 AM