I think to understand what was going on during our game you have to step away from the pure ratings for a second.
It´s true that your gameflow - in rating - was alot better than mine, still I managed to get a whopping 29 Assists during our game. Actually I think the early foul trouble of my players in fact helped me to some degree to achieve that number. The ever-switching lineups lead to all-different attacking schemes, and instead of the usual "one guy racks it all up" Patient Offense, I had a pretty wide variation of scorers. The high assist number is both a sign for patient ball movement aswell as a "good shooting day".
I´m not sure Game Flow Ratings nowadays help alot in judging a team´s true ability to move the ball. Instead of playing with a true playmaker who can hit the entry pass at will, I´m experimenting with several ways of "team ball movement", with no players on the court below a certain number at the Passing Skill (same for Rebounding btw): a team approach of moving the ball. Doesn´t work in the Ratings Category, works rather fine on the court.
I tried to attack two positions - PG and SF - and my guys there managed to score a lot on good shooting percentages. This is part of a "cross your fingers for a good shooting day" thing, guess there´s some randomness there.
On the other hand, I was very surprised by the display of power from my Center. He got more shots than I expected him to take, and connected on a high percentage. I don´t fully undestand this part. On the other hand, my PF obviously backed down from yours at any possible situation even on offense. Probably a smart move. Not necessarily what you shall expect of my team, making smart moves.
The ratings are relatively low compared to what Parrot Tool gave me as an estimation. Reason for this is the Foul Trouble on Simonelis and Lucic, leading to massive minutes for Yern and also more than planned minutes for my first year rookie Wie Soo. I guess the result was your late surge in the fourth, when you came quite close at a time.
So summing it up: my low ratings in outside shooting include the playing time from Lubanski and Wie Soo, both not taking many shots. Instead, Grychowski, Lucic and Yern took the majority while on the court, and with them on the court (even together) the teams outside shooting was way better. Instead, with Lubanski and Wie Soo on the court, the ball went inside more, and - because of the team-wide ball movement - ended up with easy layups and dunks from Kurek every now and then. In the end, it´s about the first time I had the feeling "Patient" really lead to the right guys taking the shots. The difference in ballmovement is just a wrong display of the true things happening on the court, the rebounding paid off big time for you, and some of my scoring was a lucky streak.
On the other hand, I don´t fully undestand why your PF monster went off for 45 though getting some focus Defense, but well, no complaints here, if he goes for 60 and I win I´ll take it.
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