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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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273519.469 in reply to 273519.466
Date: 1/20/2017 7:06:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
yes, you actually need those taxes to, among other things, prevent teams accumulating lots of money and then spending everything in a rush.

I see now you didn't read my suggestion properly. I'll repeat: we no longer need OET because the tax on accounts of over $20m does the same thing. And removal would make things less complicated for everyone, including newer users who must be bewildered by the amount of financial regulations in this basketball game.

they don't do the same thing and newer users have enough financial struggles in the beginning regardless of taxes. those taxes affect only veteran teams and veterans should be experienced enough to find the best strategies in order to cope with the regulations.

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273519.470 in reply to 273519.469
Date: 1/30/2017 9:50:43 AM
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An ignore feature for the forums where you can type in a manager's name and never have to waste time reading a post from them ever again.

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273519.472 in reply to 273519.2
Date: 2/3/2017 8:03:25 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
Make small up and down buttons on each player on the list so we could set the draft order without having to drag and drop. These days people play on their mobile devices a lot and it's very convenient for those on holiday or at work taking a break as we like to play around with our choices.


From: HAHA
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273519.473 in reply to 273519.462
Date: 2/9/2017 6:55:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I have a minor suggestion...

in case that a lucky fan participated in a game, We can have an option to select the playing minutes and give it to our players.

it's just really frustrating to see 18/19 yo players fouled out and did not have enough playing minutes.

This Post:
273519.474 in reply to 273519.473
Date: 2/10/2017 7:58:07 AM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
I have a minor suggestion. Threads over 1000 years old should be locked.

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273519.476 in reply to 273519.475
Date: 2/10/2017 3:32:33 PM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
One thing has nothing to do with the other.

This Post:
273519.477 in reply to 273519.476
Date: 2/11/2017 10:24:43 AM
Arsenal 98
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Second Team:
Stamford Snow Leopards
I think the schedule in the last part of the season (the 7 games vs your conference) should be different to that of the first 7 games.

Schedule making in real life is crazy complicated with all the factors of travel / teams in the same city not playing on the same day / bigger leagues, etc. but on BB it should be pretty simple to mix it up I'd think?

At the moment you play the same teams in week 1 as week 8 (if I can count weeks correctly), 2 and 9, etc. It makes things more predictable - if you have a team better than you and one close to your level, in both weeks you're TIEing the hard game to increase the chances in your other one - as well as the repetition being more boring it gives the strongest team 2 easy games just based on the schedule.

Is there an equivalent downside that I've not thought of?

Last edited by Bergkamp at 2/11/2017 10:25:46 AM

This Post:
273519.478 in reply to 273519.477
Date: 2/11/2017 2:37:08 PM
Arsenal 98
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Stamford Snow Leopards
Idk if the above should be worthy of it's own thread, I'll let the mods decide maybe.

A shorter one - Sort! Out! Subs! After! Foul-outs!

This Post:
273519.479 in reply to 273519.478
Date: 2/11/2017 10:04:07 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
A box can be add where we will se how many points we can purchase until the arrive of the draftees. This will help to gbe new users and not so new users to manage the draft list.
