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game day preparing

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From: Phyr

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268063.47 in reply to 268063.44
Date: 3/15/2015 1:34:22 PM
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Since its a zone its not actually that good at preventing open looks anywhere on the floor.

3-2 is very good at shutting down outside shots and drives from the perimeter drives. Just as an FYI, unless the zone is a coaches' base defense, the zone is mostly used to take away a team's strength. There are things that you can do to exploit weak players like trap them or play off them, but its not really the main concern.

This Post:
268063.48 in reply to 268063.47
Date: 3/18/2015 3:28:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
sorry for OT..didnt wanna open a new thread

can someone explain me the new "Let Coach Decide" option

thanks alot
