We are looking for a new logo and banner. the winner will receive up to 6 months worth of supporter.
WE will pay for both a logo and banner, so you can win with just a banner or logo and receive a 3 month supporter. ( you can win both).
the contest will go until March 31 2010, when i will review and decide who has won. I will also reserve the right to decide that none are up to my standards, if that happens I will then cancel the contest.
i will leave the design up to you, but my main interest are the portland trail blazers, heavy metal music, and the outdoors. you can send me messages for more info/ ideas if you want. thanks Vanilla Gorilla
Last edited by MamaKitty(RIP) at 1/5/2010 10:20:56 PM
go mama kitty 7- 19-10