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The Draft Order is Availible

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12658.48 in reply to 12658.43
Date: 1/15/2008 6:32:11 PM
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Which is strange, as I could change the picking order. I still believe that my previous information was the correct one (and that it was available earlier than it was ment to be)

No, it is not.

It is last season's.

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Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
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12658.49 in reply to 12658.40
Date: 1/15/2008 6:36:18 PM
EDH Wolves
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Second Team:
EDH Wolves II

Well I have tried training and I think I have finally figured out that 48 mins per trainee.

However, I dont have any handle on the economics of the game at all and dont see where to find that. Is there any help out there? Ie ticket prices per league level, how much to pay for players, to sell for players....etc

BTW, how do I know if my players are good enough to train? That is not apparent, I recognize that you want young trainees, but dont know if any of my current trash is worth keeping and training.

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12658.50 in reply to 12658.48
Date: 1/15/2008 6:40:40 PM
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Ok, good for me.

But I must say that information about the draft and the trade DL has been horrible for us newbies... Also weired that I have been able to edit last years draft order.

(Just to avoid missunderstandings: I know you as a GM are not responsible for that, so it's nothing against you)

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12658.51 in reply to 12658.31
Date: 1/15/2008 7:32:53 PM
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oh. sorry. thanks

This Post:
12658.52 in reply to 12658.51
Date: 1/15/2008 8:00:32 PM
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I'm pretty disappointed with how little information I got after a whole season of investing. I feel like I had WAY more data after last season and I only had half a season of investing.

Is there any chance the amount of information they give you has changed?

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12658.53 in reply to 12658.42
Date: 1/15/2008 9:56:27 PM
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i can not see the draft, it said that my league didnt organize the draft, any advice, i'm playing play offs

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12658.54 in reply to 12658.48
Date: 1/15/2008 10:17:49 PM
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Pardon me and my ignorance, but is this link legit or not? I'm ready to get patted down.

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12658.55 in reply to 12658.54
Date: 1/15/2008 10:20:06 PM
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Yes, it is.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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12658.56 in reply to 12658.55
Date: 1/16/2008 12:26:53 AM
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Kinda disappointed in the amount of information we're given as well. After pouring so much money in to the scouting and choosing 3 players/$20,000k for the majority of the season, i'm given information on only 25 of the 48 draftees.

You'd think with that sort of an investment you would at least be able to see the star rating for most of the players, if not their grade and best position.

From: goddo
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12658.57 in reply to 12658.44
Date: 1/16/2008 1:04:41 AM
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why do we only get the scouting of the regular season weeks (12 = 24 Information bits in my case)? I'm missing last season playoff spendings (2 weeks)?

Or did i miss something?

I'm happy the list is out but I think this should be addressed at some point. I paid for 2 scouts a week for 13 weeks and 4 scouts last week. (13x2) + (1x4)= 30 revelations, but I only received 24 (18 star, 5 grade, 1 position) . Ideally, we would either get the missing info or a refund. My sincere apologies if I'm just completely misunderstanding the investment process.

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12658.58 in reply to 12658.52
Date: 1/16/2008 1:04:54 AM
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I agree, I came in at the very end of last season and had a tremendous amount of information compared to what I have this season.
