(*)Season 29 MVP awards: (*)
Michael Bridgewater- 1, 3, 3, 3, = 10pts (trophy)
Bob "good" Grief- 3, 2, 2, = 7pts
Maverick Parkes- 3, 3, =6pts
Jikke Santegoeds- 1, 1, 3, 1, =6pts
Konrad Doran- 3, 2 =5pts
Gianfilippo D'Angelantonio (Flipper)- 2, 1, 1 =4pts
Alec Beausoleil- 3 =3pts
Feng Danxiang- 2, = 2pts
Scott Geyer- 2, =2pts
Jim Hamburger- 2, =2pts
Graham Hartley- 1, = 1pt
Joe Albert Katem (JAK)- 1, = 1pt
Congratulations to Michael Bridgewater and The Knights! for an outstanding season, particularly early on. The captain, Good Grief had a great season, and tied for 3rd were the two 20yr olds, which is amazing given the strength of this seasons 21yr olds. The managers of the players have had regular contact and been very flexible with training ides, so thanks to those who kept me in the loop and allowed me to have input.
I think it has been a very successful season, taking the team to the final 8 in the World Championships, somewhere we have only been once or twice before.
If that is all for the World Cup, then we will look to the 20yr old group for some scrimmages next, and I can then begin some scouting and playing around with next seasons lineup (for whoever is elected).
Thanks to the regular contributors this season, the connection with the NT team and the u21s is quite strong (thanks mllama), and I have loved the occasional input from Kingy, Mickyster, in particular helping me with the NT scouting at the start of the season (huge help, thanks!), yoda with his contributions, and Sid for his comments too. Cheers guys.
Ive put a bit of time and effort into trying to get people reading the updates and match reports of the under 21s, it has definitely sparked a comment here and there, but certainly not gained the attention I was hoping for. I thought the spinning of a tale, in addition to winning games would get people interested, and to an extent it has. If re-elected, it is certainly something Id like to see grow more.
Last edited by whitewind at 1/6/2015 12:53:33 AM