True, jump shot wingmen (SG/SF) doesn't give any IS. That was one of the interesting results from the crowdsourced training project.
This sounds very strange to me. I believe I have trained IS only a week or two since I started with ny new team (approx 8 seasons), but I have trained a lot of JS wingmen, and I have about 4 SP difference on JS/IS on several of my homegrown/long time trainees (3-7 more than they started with/height 6'0,6'8 and 6'10). This is indeed interesting. Then my IS pops must be from cross training and random pops, or that JS wingmen does have an effect on IS but smaller than previously estimated...
Side questions:
I believe I read something a long time ago that keeping the same training for many subsequent weeks gives diminishing return. Does anyone know if this still applies (or if it was ever a thing)?
Does anyone have a link to rhyminisimons training simulator?