Zasto trojke obracunava kao jedan mi nije jasno, ja izgubio dve tekme zbog toga
Points don't add up: BuzzerBeater uses the American boxscore convention for showing the number of field goal attempts. The number under "FG" includes all field goals, including 3-pointers.
In the NBA and BB,FG and FGA includes both 2 point shots and 3 point shots.So your player was 7-8 from 2 FG and 4-11 from 3FG. 7x2 + 4x3 = 26Or another way is points = FG X 2 + 3FG x 1 + FT x 1IOW, you just count the extra point for the 3 pointers, since the FG includes the base two points for both 2 and 3 pointers.