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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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From: HAHA
This Post:
273519.489 in reply to 273519.487
Date: 2/23/2017 2:30:48 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
why were the salaries calculated by purely skills set?

in reality, some players are greedy and ask for more salaries during transfer or renew contract.

could BB think about such features or something similar?

From: _wella_
This Post:
273519.491 in reply to 273519.490
Date: 2/24/2017 2:48:10 PM
Vattjom Vatos
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Utopia Vatos
* Make it possible to change arena prices before playoff/relegation (or even better, make it automatic!)

* Make new draftees, 18y and 19y (Potential >= Allstar) who gets fired re-enter on TL at 10k.

* Place new draftees, 18y and 19y(Potential >= Allstar) in bot-teams on TL at 10k. If not sold, the stay on team. Spread the deadlines during first week(or days).
These two last suggestions is to boost small countries who suffers alot when high potential players get "lost" to a bot. NT suffers the most, but this would even it out somewhat.
(An alternative could be that each manager gets to choose ONE player in a bot-team in their country to be transferlisted(at 10k?). Only available the first week.)

* Make bot-teams draft last.
Making the high potential players end up more times in active teams.

* Draftlottery. Non-playoff teams all gets a chance to select first. Lowest ranked team gets best chance and so on.
Makes tanking even more risky (and boring!)

* Easier switch to second team
Maybe dropmeny on top of Menu, with onChange (without submit-button) (or even better, whole new design, responsive to eliminate need for app) I'll be happy to give a helping hand)

* Make some kind of navigation between players on roster.
So we don't need to return to the rosterpage all. the. time. for. every. player. Please, pretty please, with sugar on top...

* Sort players on "set lineup"-page/tactics by numbers(if any) ascending then Name.

* Add a new sort of "Substitution", Rotation.
A sort of schema that rotates players so they all end upp with somewhat equal minutes.

* Add a new tactical feature, giving your team a gamefocus/mindset.
In preparations for a game, your trainer could focus on D, Scoring or Normal. Your team would increase your offense/defense slightly at the cost of the other. The loss is bigger than the gain. Lvl of trainer affect the increase/cost). Or you could use the default: Normal.
(* Maybe you could choose Focus/Mindset for each half or even each Q ???)

* Increase salary for OD some.
Makes outside tactics more effective/attractive

* Autobids.

This Post:
273519.492 in reply to 273519.491
Date: 2/25/2017 6:23:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
In the past I suggested some workarounds to the fact that bot teams keep landing good prospects and I got some bad responses claiming that it would be an advantage to my country.....

In Ireland we currently have only one draft where to get good prospects. Last season I spent 40k each week, found the best prospects and they went to bots. As an NT Manager is kind of frustrating because I can't ask a bot to train a potential hall of famer.

This Post:
273519.494 in reply to 273519.493
Date: 3/7/2017 11:33:27 AM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
NT Jerseys. Something like the court. Just for fun.

This Post:
273519.495 in reply to 273519.494
Date: 3/13/2017 9:02:34 AM
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I hope that in near future, we will be able to train all position at same time with the same speed that we train now one position.

This Post:
273519.496 in reply to 273519.495
Date: 3/13/2017 9:19:00 AM
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
That idea, or something similar, has been suggested many times. It would go a long way to fixing several of the issues this game has.

Unfortunately there are several vocal opponents of making any changes to the training system.

Last edited by lvess at 3/13/2017 9:19:23 AM

This Post:
273519.497 in reply to 273519.496
Date: 3/13/2017 9:31:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Too bad. Thanks for answer.

From: lvess

This Post:
273519.499 in reply to 273519.498
Date: 3/13/2017 11:39:05 AM
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
I've seen them range from:

1) It would take to many resources and/or time to implement/code.
2) Changing the structure of the game is wrong.
3) I spent xxx years training the old way and anyone suggesting a change is just looking for a shortcut.

I can't speak for #1 since I'm not a coder. For #2, well change is inevitable, get used to it. As for #3, that one always sounds like somebody trying to maintain an advantage over newcomers.
