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Bugs, bugs, bugs > no match today?

no match today?

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From: franek

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153146.49 in reply to 153146.48
Date: 8/8/2010 6:04:52 AM
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We know about the problems, and we'll fix it asap. Sorry for the problems, thanks for your patience.

again... please focus a bit more on communication or you'll have more and more angry users

that's the point: lack of communication :/

From: franek
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153146.50 in reply to 153146.49
Date: 8/8/2010 6:50:02 AM
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Poland still waiting...

This Post:
153146.51 in reply to 153146.50
Date: 8/8/2010 7:09:29 AM
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There appeared to be a problem with a game being stuck in Poland, which led to the problem at all games behind this point couldn't run as well.

Eventually we were able to run most of the other games, but the problem in Poland still exists. As somebody already pointed out in this thread, the problem is more complicated than earlier delays. So I cannot say how long this will take, but I can say we are trying to fix the problem as quickly as possible and of course this is top priority.

This Post:
153146.52 in reply to 153146.51
Date: 8/8/2010 7:18:10 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
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Second Team:
In addition it looks like dailly update hasn't run yet as well. Enthusiasm is still the same as just after the end of match. And also it should probably affect injury recovery if it hasn't run. But maybe it's better that it hasn't run as not all results are correct at the moment.

I can sign up importancy of communication as well. If I remeber you and edju were named to BB function so that you improve communication.

It would be nice to know some answers for example for games affected by transfers between scheduled and real calculation as someone asked on this thread before.

Last edited by rwystyrk at 8/8/2010 7:21:23 AM

From: mpesa

This Post:
153146.53 in reply to 153146.52
Date: 8/8/2010 7:24:36 AM
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Yes, my feeling is that communication is not appropriate a would be beter too.

From: schubrakete

To: RiP
This Post:
153146.55 in reply to 153146.54
Date: 8/8/2010 11:13:59 AM
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I'm not a BB so I don't know what the problem is or what they're going to do but if I had to guess I'd say that the games will not be replayed. When bugs like this occur it basically screws everyone up and nothing the BBs do after that point is going to be looked on favourably by everyone. Just imagine how many people would be extremely mad if the games were replayed and they ended up losing a game they had won the first time.

It's a lose/lose situation all around and is just something the BBs need to try and avoid from ever happening (which I believe they do).

thanks for reply. my point is: the games had a different result, not becuase the managers chose wrong players/tactics but there was a technical problem.

i know what you mean. but like i said: games in germany were delayed by 5 hours... maybe in poland players sold now are not in the lineup of yesterday? who knows?

i'm not that angry anymore. yesterday i was angry. now i'm sitting here and try to make the best of it, winning my to next games without destroying my gameshape heavily. shit happens.

This Post:
153146.56 in reply to 153146.55
Date: 8/8/2010 11:32:39 AM
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in PL we still don't have the games played, some transfers certainly took place and there will be people suprised and/or mad about it...

btw. can we have an update on PL problem? any chance of seeing the games today ?

This Post:
153146.57 in reply to 153146.56
Date: 8/8/2010 11:47:03 AM
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The problems has just been indentified and games are running now. Standing updates will be rescheduled later, so that the forfeits disappear.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 8/8/2010 11:47:41 AM

This Post:
153146.58 in reply to 153146.55
Date: 8/8/2010 11:54:37 AM
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Unfortunately there is not much we can do here. There is no good way to rerun the affected games from the point back with all transfers reversed.

This Post:
153146.59 in reply to 153146.58
Date: 8/8/2010 11:57:52 AM
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thanks for reply.

its a great pity
