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270734.49 in reply to 270734.42
Date: 5/30/2015 7:55:07 AM
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I specifically criticise that Announcement Post and I think it's been done in order to avoid people coming on the forums to complain. Mike Franks seems to be more concerned with the effects of the actual change. And he's not alone. After all it was not me who opened threads about prices and inflation being too high and it was not a single person who participated in them or suggested that a more expansive FA policy would help (did one of these). Give those people the correct story in the most visible piece of News in the game and we shall see if it's going to be the Unholy Trinity Lemonshine-Mike Franks-Grullo who is going to come after you criticising. I hope you do you realise that the secrecy from Marin mostly serves the purpose of avoiding discussions on the merit of the changes and avoiding people debating and complaining all the time.

I agree that someone could reasonably read the news and interpret it in the way that you did. It's quite likely many people could. And if that was truly what you were looking to point out, I'm sure it would be appreciated by all. Indeed, even a "look, BB-Marin's communications are unclear again, the BB staff are not good at expressing themselves" would have been a reasonable response. I mean, I feel for Marin and I can still agree that the communications are often not clear, and perhaps that's something that might be worth him looking into.

But, of course, all of that requires a reasonable read of the news story. What you post instead is things like:
So he either thinks we're all stupid and illiterate or he doesn't know what's going on or he was lying. Since I don't think we are all incapable of understanding the news message and he also arrogantly confirmed multiple times that everything is working as he wants it to, then the logical conclusion is that the last option is true, don't you think?

I believe he thought he'd outsmart everyone claiming something he knew to be false or at least extremely misleading, but that was a more palatable change for the community, so that people would agree with the news and not pay attention. After all, who tracks free agency, really? I did my analysis on the players who retired only because he was extremely arrogant, otherwise I would have probably just let it go. This kind of behaviour and dishonesty is utterly disappointing coming from the person running the show.

It's patently obvious that you, for whatever reason, feel that the message is deliberately crafted to deceive. And if you have such a negative opinion toward the management of the game itself, it's not like there's anything I or anyone with a tainted staff hat could say that wouldn't be treated with the same skepticism of any of Sepp Blatter's cronies.

It certainly appears that you've passed a line that would have sent me from the game long ago. I can disagree with how things are implemented, how effective the staff is (I know how ineffective I am, for example!), how things are communicated, and even some fundamental aspects of the game simulation itself and still consider the game worth playing and even paying to support. If I ever felt that the people behind the game were out to actually deceive the player base, though, I would be gone. Your problem is not this news announcement, but that you fundamentally distrust Marin and this news post is just the latest vehicle for you to express it. I am afraid that there's nothing I can do to help you with that issue, other than hoping you can find something to actually enjoy, be it here or somewhere else.

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270734.51 in reply to 270734.47
Date: 5/30/2015 8:29:33 AM
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I appreciate the way you address the matters on their merits as you see them. That is what I hoped for a few pages back when I invited a GM to contribute constructively (the one who beat his chest and threatened me -- not exactly constructive).

You hooked me again. You're getting good at this.

And if you want the merits, here they go:

This is a basketball manager sim. Not a basketball sim. Note there's one word in one description and not the other. In one, you would have your roster, pick your lineup and tactics, and do whatever the game allows in game to affect the outcome. You wouldn't do things like player acquisition, arena building, economic modeling, etc. in a pure basketball sim. Nor would you do training, of course.

But that's not what this is. From day 1 (well, day negative whatever when the game was first being designed), there was no free agency, but training was mostly as it is today. So with all due respect to your opinion, you are not losing "your basketball sim" -- instead, OUR (22k+ users) basketball management sim is adjusting one component of one feature not even in the original design.

The thing is, I can respect a desire to play the game a certain way. On Hattrick, I decided I wanted a team that was all offensive and refused to carry even a mediocre goalkeeper, even as far as the top league in the USA. Here I decided that I wanted a team focused on defense and team balance, with an outside focus, with American and mostly home-trained players, and I pushed to see how far I could go with that (and had I been a better manager or avoided a two flagrant foul in one minute situation in a finals game, I would have done so in the top league). People play the game with homegrown players, others play with trainees, some play it as a market game while others use the market sparingly or not at all, and all choices are valid. However, that doesn't mean that they will or even all should have the same probability of success.

The simplest way of putting it is that if it is possible to succeed just as much without training as it is with training, for a given team, then training is by definition a worthless addition for that game. And this game was designed so that training is a key feature. If you don't like it, that's fine, if you want to suggest ways to improve it, you know where those go, but if you're hoping for a game where training is not a key part of the game's design, you're not likely to find that happening here. And on the other hand, a key concept in good game design is meaningful choices - if training were a simple "click here to gain one week's training", everyone would be doing it and there would be no strategy to it. So for training to continue to be a key design feature of the game (as it was intended) and for it to be something that requires there to be meaning behind it, there must be some factors that stop it from being an automatic decision, as an automatic decision is no decision at all. Which leads back to the 'illogical' training that you clearly dislike - no, it's not realistic, but it's the mechanism chosen by the BB staff when they designed the game to make sure that training has at least a minimal downside so that it doesn't simply become something everyone does and those with more money do better.

2) Managers utilizing many different approaches, each with an equal chance of success if they do it equally skillfully, would seem ideal to me, rather than favoring one to the exclusion of others.

It's simply not possible. If the market is very low, buyers have a huge advantage over trainers. If the market is very high, trainers have the advantage. Short of fixing prices, even putting aside the above stuff, it's not going to be possible to ensure equal probability for all player choices. What needs to be assured is that the skillful player can correctly assess the market conditions and make the choices to succeed in that market condition.

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270734.53 in reply to 270734.52
Date: 5/30/2015 9:09:55 AM
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about free agency working, this young good potential player is gone retired, with sum of skill 54 (and in right places),
i not think that are many 18years old better than this one from draft and was not enough
for became free agent in last couple of weeks.

did you think that 18 years old will be not saved from free agency?

It looks like the team that drafted him was replaced. I am not sure personally whether the team was a bot at the time of the draft or not, but I don't think that the rules regarding players drafted by bot teams have been changed to allow them to be released. With great hesitation, I suggest that this might be an appropriate example to inquire about on the Bugs forum if we don't see an answer from Marin here, and remind everyone that the Bugs forum should be used strictly for reporting a potential bug, providing information to assist with investigation of resolution of a bug, and not for discussions about anything further.

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270734.56 in reply to 270734.50
Date: 5/30/2015 12:29:10 PM
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So my conclusion is that it is all well - give or take a few aspects - in the world of buzzerbeater that we have a training based game here.

Yes, training for profit is king. But what would have been wrong with a game where training is needed because it improves your roster, improving your competitive ability to win games, where training is needed because players are needed and training was an effective and efficient way to accomplish that ... instead of profit?

Last edited by Mike Franks at 5/30/2015 12:30:55 PM

This Post:
270734.59 in reply to 270734.56
Date: 5/30/2015 1:10:29 PM
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So my conclusion is that it is all well - give or take a few aspects - in the world of buzzerbeater that we have a training based game here.

Yes, training for profit is king. But what would have been wrong with a game where training is needed because it improves your roster, improving your competitive ability to win games, where training is needed because players are needed and training was an effective and efficient way to accomplish that ... instead of profit?

Training for profit certainly takes place, but I'm not sure it is 'king'.
I'd say most teams in the leagues I've been in over the years are doing exactly what you are suggesting in your "what would have been wrong with..." question above.
