Max pot. of draft
DI unlimited
DIV superstar
DV perrenail allstar
SKill cap/training cap by division
DI unlimited
DII L6 speed, individual skill cap at 19, total skill cap HoF
DIII L5 speed, 18, MVP
DIV L5 speed, 17, Superstar
DV L4 speed, 16, perrennial allstar
Also instead of by WR based limit on salary of player you can bid on (which isn't working in any way really)
By division
DI unlimited
DII Can only bid on players up to HoF potential
DIII MVP potential and below
DIV superstar potential and below
DV perrenial allstar potential and below
So, i'm in D4, can't draft any good prospect, can't train youngs the best i could, can't hire any player i want.
Few seasons ago, i drafted a Hof, i was happy to train him quite well, and i finally sold him to begin a new training cycle. Now i know that, as soon as my trainees get good, i have money to hire and to be performant.
With what you propose, this couldn't be possible (training players, sell trainees for good money), so i would stay in D4 forever.
I understand your point of view as you're in the highest level, and you want to cut the ladder for newcomers...
What you deplore is also existing in every sport championship. Some small teams training potentials, and from time to time selling them to best ones for good money. And sometimes, those very same teams are getting good enough to play the top of the tournaments. Let's keep this game offering this possibility as well !
Last edited by Binzz at 10/11/2015 8:21:50 AM