@LA-KingLeonidas: As you would expect, my answer is this - a big part of BB is discovery. Some of these buildings might prove not to be worth it, some might be, and it will depend largely on your expectations and team needs. Now, you know I won't go into details about these, it's up to you guys to figure out how large the effect of the Training Court is. So, I guess you'll have to risk some money and find out
That's exactly the answer I didn't want to hear
Can you let me know at least do you know how many weeks we need to get a popp in FT with those 3 buildings? Is there an exactly formula?
The other question (you won't answer prob), can we get 2 or more popps in FT with lvl 3 Training Court in one season?
Trust me, I will never invest in those new buildings and stadium, I don't want to experiment with my club, that's not a small amount of money to throw it, + the weekly 15k...
Any information could be useful but as always, you're so mysterious, give us some feedback
Cheers mate!
This is where we hold them!