Ahoj, Marin pisal, ze od zaciatku sezony je to nestabilne, ale vcera vecer uz pisal, ze by to malo byt uz v poriadku, ale ze sa mozu vyskytovat stale nejake chyby.
Ak ide stranka nestabilne odporuca pouzivat domeny www2.buzzerbeater.com alebo www.buzzerbeater.org . Vraj to moze pomoct. Mne ani to vcera nepomohlo :)
Update no.01: The site is very unstable due to still unfinished offseason processing. We are doing what we can to fix this but would like to use this opportunity to remind our managers that the backup domains www2.buzzerbeater.com and www.buzzerbeater.org might help when the main one is unreachable.
Update no.02 The site is back to normal operation. We have managed to fix the main cause of the site instability but additional issues still might remain.