Well, it is one possible solution to the problem, albeit not a very constructive or engaging one. I pay very little attention to the draft because I don't think it is worth it. I do think it can be improved upon, as I feel that training could be improved upon. I think that the idea of acquiring coaching and scouting "points" is an excellent one. It is used for training in a sim baseball game called simdynasty and it works pretty well. In the draft in simdynasty you get to see all the skills of all the draftees, so it is weighted much more in the favor of the bad teams to get better players in the first round of the draft. This seems to be the way it should be, rather than having this veil of mystery around guys you could conceivably be seeing on imaginaryBByoutube every time they play. However, a scouting points system would also work for the draft. At least it would allow us a bit more personal choice in scouting than the single choice we have now (money per week spent on scouting.) As it is I agree that the draft system is a low point of the game. I choose to pay almost no attention to it at the moment but look forward to taking part in any new system that comes down the pike.
Another helpful and thoughtful reply, one which will surely lead to the betterment of BB as a whole and this discussion of improving the draft in particular.
Who else is excited about tonights draft?