doctorlvl6 and trainer lvl7 is insufficient to create player on SF to u21.
This is completely untrue. Trainer lvl5 is more than enough to build a good SF for U21. You have to buy a good player with nice height (low players with good starting inside skills or viceversa) and at least allstar potential, and you have a great prospect for SF.
Training SF is much easier in lower leagues because playing a player out of position doesn't hurt your games as much as in higher leagues.
Polish player are very expensive.
Again untrue. The smaller a nation is, more expensive good players are. If you are looking for MVPs or HoFs with starting salary 5k+, they are of course expensive. But if you are trying to build a U21 SF, allstar with 4k salary and good distribution of skills is more than enough.
I'm weak manager and i I can not train well players.
Don't be a crybaby and do something about it...or don't do it at all.
Last edited by Koperboy at 12/13/2011 3:57:00 AM