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FD - The BuzzerBeater "Fed"

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112434.5 in reply to 112434.4
Date: 9/19/2009 3:45:38 PM
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Ok sounds fair.
Then something about merchandise. With the first update to the new formula, an announcement was made that you guys waited untill wednesday to get the new revenue, since otherwise away teams would be at a disadvantage since the chance of losing is bigger. (correct me if this wasn't in the announcement, since I'm not 100% sure anymore).

Isn't this always the problem at monday updates? I expect merchandise is calculated somewhat based at the fan surveys. When I lost saturdays games in the old system, my merch would be 10k less than when I won it. Fan surveys relay heavingly at the last game, instead of the last week. Is there any chance merchandise and / or fan surveys will be calculated over the last 2 games, instead of just the last one, to get a more accurate result? (1 win and 1 loss would mean f.e 5k less than 1 saturday win, thus 5k more than 1 saturday loss, thus equal amount of merchandise, but just spread out in another way)

From: Azariah
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112434.7 in reply to 112434.3
Date: 9/19/2009 4:06:55 PM
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Doesn't this contradict with the attempt to get somewhat fixed transfer prices?

Patje > To get fixed transfer prices, there has to be a positive cash flow to the economy excluding transfers, since there is a minimum of 3% agent fee for every transfer made. As a result (using made up numbers), if $100M worth of transfers occurs in a season and every single transfer was at the 3% agent fee, the global money supply would shrink by $3M. Thus, if player/staff salaries and merch/TV/gate/cup revenues were exactly balanced, there would be a monetary contraction for the season and overall deflationary pressure in the market.

Charles or Forrest > I guess my concern with the self-adjusting system is, are you targeting it primarily at the player market, or overall cash flows? From my admittedly limited point of view, the players that I've been selling and researching to buy have almost universally exceeded their TPE in the past two weeks. Considering the announced Season 11 changes from an economist's perspective, this makes sense to me, as my reading of the current and pending changes is that large & continuing investments in arena size have been deprecated. As there are only three main investment areas for a club (arena, staff, and players), any sudden decrease in demand for one investment will, by necessity, be offset by an increase somewhere else.

So, hypothetically, let's say that the announced changes cause a player-investment boom, and transfer prices are, on average, up 15% for any given quality level of player throughout the season and at season end. Is the auto-tuning mechanism going to see that inflationary pressure and constrict the money supply to compensate? Is it going to only look at cash-on-hand balance sheets and revenue streams and tune the money supply for the targeted profit excluding transfers?

Would you consider periodically releasing some macro-level economic statistics about the game, to give players a better sense of where things have been and where things are going, as a way to foster trust in the BB central bank, in order to give credibility and stability to the economic system?

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112434.9 in reply to 112434.8
Date: 9/22/2009 5:52:41 PM
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But there was a strong incentive to save, up until this season. We refer to it as arena building. Now with the "large arena penalties", however strong they really are, there appears to me to be a noticeable run-up in the transfer prices, which I would theorize should be expected if the system has suddenly introduced a sharp disincentive to arena building. As you've pointed out, the money has to go somewhere - staff, arena, or transferred around in loops in the player market and slowly drawn off through agent fees. If one leg of that tripod collapses, the other two will be greatly effected.

My primary concern is, what happens if some non-monetary factor, such as a change in the relative value of arena/staff, effects the transfer market? Is the auto-tuning mechanism set up to see a sudden transfer price inflation and say "oh, we must have too much money floating around, let's dial it back some"? If the auto-tuning mechanism is set that way, and if there is in fact (either now or in the future) a sharp non-monetary inflation in the transfer market, then the auto-tuning mechanism would actually INCREASE the volatility of transfer prices, by whipsawing the money supply back and forth trying to correct for external stimuli in the transfer market.

I can lay out a more specific hypothetical if you want, but I've tried to make my point as clearly as I can.

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112434.11 in reply to 112434.9
Date: 9/23/2009 12:30:09 AM
1986 Celtics
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we don't need to look at transfer prices because we can look directly at the expenses and incomes of every team and see how much free money they have to spend on the transfer market. Ideally we have the economy setup so that the net amount of money in the BB universe stays relatively constant, and the total expenses in the BB economy are relatively constant, then the challenge is to be more economically efficent than your neighbor so that you can horde more of the available money supply and use that money to spend larger than your opponent amounts on things like staff/transfer markets etc.

Now we haven't come close to that equilibrium point yet, so things get complicated by the fact that costs are rising etc and teams need some cash reserves to pay for those rising costs. The point is we have put in all the mechanisms neccesary to control the money supply and keep prices in relative equilibrium once costs reach equilibrium, which they should coming up in the next few seasons.. especially after we implement the change to the salaries at the start of next season.

From: Azariah
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112434.12 in reply to 112434.11
Date: 9/23/2009 8:10:40 PM
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I guess I'm concerned that there are structural things in the current model that have the potential to create a self-reinforcing transfer price inflation, especially given the external shock of this season's arena changes and next season's changes in player salaries.

At the same time, I don't want to stand here on a soap-box shouting doomsday prophecies if those that have more complete data aren't concerned about it. If asked, I'll be happy to lay out my theory either on or off forums. Otherwise, I'll leave the topic be and wait to see how things play out like everyone else.

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112434.14 in reply to 112434.12
Date: 9/24/2009 4:01:16 AM
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Please continue, I'm listening...

This Post:
112434.15 in reply to 112434.12
Date: 9/24/2009 8:21:29 AM
1986 Celtics
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if this were true, it would be because we failed to acheive our stated missiion, which is to avoid this from happening.

if our current structure is so inadequate that we can't prevent this from happening we will change it.

In no circumstances will we sit back and let some such doomsday situation happen to the game we love.

we have made it very clear that we understand the problem, and are doing what we think is the right thing to control it.

I can understand if you misunderstand, or don't believe our policies are sufficent to prevent such a calamity, but I hope you believe that we are quite serious about preventing it and if it turns out that we are wrong that we will take action to correct course.

that being said, I'm happy to hear your arguments why you think our current policy is going to lead to this, but remember we made all of these things dynamic with tuning feedback so as to react to current economic conditions, we went from a "fed" that essentially had little control over monetary policy, to one whose monetary policy was directly tied in to monetary conditions.
