I don't get it. What is the relation between selling/buying arena seats and the ticket prices? I don't see any. I sold about 8000 Bleachers and my experiments with the ticket prices worked very well.
Immediate ticket changing is allowed only 2 more days (till 1st Oct). So players who made that kind of mistake with sell/buy, like me, didn't have time for experimenting.
It's a manager game. I mean, you really have to manage something. You really need a strategy. It's not the financial market ;)
Yes, manager game... so now everybody can check your ticket prices for whole month, everybody can make their own "managership" with copy-paste your numbers...
In real life situation is different (at least in Europe)... every team can change ticket whenever they want (except if that is some kind of tournament, or playoff, or something where ticket are predetermined :P
YES, I wanna be manager, I wanna have strategy, I wanna change ticket every game... when I lose 2 games in a row I wanna set tickets for lower price, If I won 2 games in a row I wanna set max. my ticket prices... isn't that strategy?
Or you said it's better to set something and then to wait one month and do anything :P