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Suggestions > Make shot blocking cheaper - tweak the salary formulas

Make shot blocking cheaper - tweak the salary formulas

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131326.5 in reply to 131326.4
Date: 2/15/2010 8:57:46 AM
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i just rate it, it was just one "vote" so thats isn't a movement and you alone could have raise it to 3 Balls(like i did)

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131326.6 in reply to 131326.5
Date: 2/15/2010 8:58:54 AM
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i just rate it, it was just one "vote" so thats isn't a movement and you alone could have raise it to 3 Balls(like i did)

Someone else must have voted on yours. I rated yours and the other guy's at 5 balls a few minutes ago, it only brought it up to 2.5 balls. ;-)

Last edited by HeadPaperPusher at 2/15/2010 9:00:10 AM

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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131326.7 in reply to 131326.1
Date: 2/15/2010 9:29:59 AM
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Blocking is just the fourth multiplier in the inside skills, the effect isn't much more than the other inside skills. However I do agree, that all 4 skills should have a little bit less impact on the salary, to make the difference between in and outside smaller.

Last edited by Arsjitekt at 2/15/2010 9:31:03 AM

This Post:
131326.8 in reply to 131326.7
Date: 2/15/2010 9:45:36 AM
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If you will train also outside skills, impact on salary will be different. As I see, worse thing what can happen is to train player with position marked as Centre. I think thats the point.

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131326.9 in reply to 131326.7
Date: 2/15/2010 9:57:39 AM
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Blocking is just the fourth multiplier in the inside skills, the effect isn't much more than the other inside skills. However I do agree, that all 4 skills should have a little bit less impact on the salary, to make the difference between in and outside smaller.

the question is, if the multiplier is fair in comparision to the "power" of the skill if you nearly made any shot blocks you won't pay 40-50k for it, like you pay for skills who make a player actually stronger.

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131326.10 in reply to 131326.9
Date: 2/15/2010 10:10:29 AM
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the question is, if the multiplier is fair in comparision to the "power" of the skill if you nearly made any shot blocks you won't pay 40-50k for it, like you pay for skills who make a player actually stronger.

Some time ago BB-Charles said that Shotblocking is probably the most important defensive skill for a inside player, if you doubt that, than you are probably right. However if you are following BB-Charles point of view, than the multiplier should be about even to the other inside skills. A lot of people in the community think that training shotblocking or jumprange is expensive, simply because this is the last multiplier they train. If they train inside defence the last, I'm quite sure they would think the same about that skill.

But like I said before, salaries of inside players seem to be quite high comparing to their outside counterparts, that's why I think the multiplying effect of the inside skills are too high, and inside salaries should go down (and maybe outside should go a bit up)

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131326.11 in reply to 131326.7
Date: 2/15/2010 10:10:43 AM
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Blocking is just the fourth multiplier in the inside skills, the effect isn't much more than the other inside skills.

No, but when the skills get higher it can have a significant impact.

If I remember tonight, I will try some different things. But if someone gets to it first, they can do some experiments with the salary calculator. Try different skill combinations with inept SB and then with prolific SB. Then see how it impacts higher level players (for example, a player with IS/ID/RB at 13, 15, 16, etc).

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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131326.12 in reply to 131326.11
Date: 2/15/2010 10:19:15 AM
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Blocking is just the fourth multiplier in the inside skills, the effect isn't much more than the other inside skills.

No, but when the skills get higher it can have a significant impact.

If I remember tonight, I will try some different things. But if someone gets to it first, they can do some experiments with the salary calculator. Try different skill combinations with inept SB and then with prolific SB. Then see how it impacts higher level players (for example, a player with IS/ID/RB at 13, 15, 16, etc).

Than you are just confirming my point.

You should compare players with ID 4 and IS/RB/SB 14 and players with SB 4 and ID/RB/IS at 14 etcetera, you probaly find that SB is a lot cheaper thaan you think, you just blame that skill because it is the fourt multiplier.

I just compared these, with the salary calculator:

IS 4 ID 14 RB 14 SB 14 $38155
IS 14 ID 4 RB 14 SB 14 $35870
IS 14 ID 14 RB 4 SB 14 $38494
IS 14 ID 14 RB 14 SB 4 $70308

This Post:
131326.13 in reply to 131326.12
Date: 2/15/2010 10:21:38 AM
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Than you are just confirming my point.

Nope, because you did not understand what I was getting at. Try this instead:

IS 14, ID 14, RB 14, SB 1
IS 14, ID 14, RB 14, SB 4
IS 14, ID 14, RB 14, SB 11
IS 17, ID 17, RB 17, SB 1
IS 17, ID 17, RB 17, SB 4
IS 17, ID 17, RB 17, SB 11

Now tell me what you find.

I am not going to get into a debate on whether or not SB is useful, I will leave that to Crazyeye. Let's just see how it impacts salary.

Last edited by HeadPaperPusher at 2/15/2010 10:24:14 AM

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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131326.14 in reply to 131326.13
Date: 2/15/2010 10:30:11 AM
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Come on, everybody knows what the outcome is, but that is because it is the fourth multiplier. It aint the effect of shotblocking itself, it is the effect of all multipliers combined. That's what I just proved, and what this list will prove. If you change SB in ID you'll get the same effect. Don't blame SB because it's the last skill you train.

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131326.15 in reply to 131326.10
Date: 2/15/2010 10:31:05 AM
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it don't depend on the when you train it, we have very good salry formulas.

if i train a good center from 7 to 10 in passing his salary doesn't move much, if i do the same with shot blocking the salary is increasing dramatically with a very sligth increase in blocks and blocking trys.
