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Suggestions > rename draft pick as supporter feature

rename draft pick as supporter feature

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From: aigidios

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147948.5 in reply to 147948.4
Date: 6/26/2010 6:11:14 AM
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But it is quite pointless if you want to give your player an original name or nickname. I think it could be possible if there would be restriction that you can do that once per several seasons or after winning playoff or something. However you cannot have names like "Homer Simpson" or these which are pointing out celebrities or personalities from public life. That would be really ugly...

From: Rycka

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147948.6 in reply to 147948.5
Date: 6/26/2010 8:15:29 AM
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However you cannot have names like "Homer Simpson" or these which are pointing out celebrities or personalities from public life.

why do you think so? we have them allready (10073069)

From: CrazyEye

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147948.7 in reply to 147948.6
Date: 6/26/2010 8:39:58 AM
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However you cannot have names like "Homer Simpson" or these which are pointing out celebrities or personalities from public life.

why do you think so? we have them allready (10073069)

the question is how much Homer Simpson we would have, if every supporter choose one name each season ;) Pretty sure this would be a huge list.

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From: Wenzhe

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147948.9 in reply to 147948.7
Date: 6/26/2010 12:40:37 PM
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However you cannot have names like "Homer Simpson" or these which are pointing out celebrities or personalities from public life.

why do you think so? we have them allready (10073069)

the question is how much Homer Simpson we would have, if every supporter choose one name each season ;) Pretty sure this would be a huge list.

There is a huge list of Tom,John,Lan Zhang, what ever popular name out there... so what...

And I bet simpson isn't that popular...

In worst case it will be like

Still fun isn't it...

From: CrazyEye

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147948.10 in reply to 147948.9
Date: 6/26/2010 12:44:34 PM
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Your worst case, have still different names but Homer Simpson got chosed from hundreds of players because they like him.

So you could have teams of them easily and also the few guys with "famous" names wouldn't be cool like today.

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147948.11 in reply to 147948.3
Date: 6/28/2010 2:40:18 AM
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Customizing a face I could see, but not renaming under ANY circumstances- it's just for the person who wins the world cup thing. Renaming all your players would end up with too many players being "LeBron James" or "Kobe Bryant". Customizing the faces is a good idea, as they are already randomized and cannot be made to be a professional's face on here without extreme effort on the creator's part.... But that's something I would definitely pay for!

From: trusts

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147948.12 in reply to 147948.10
Date: 6/28/2010 6:11:04 PM
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I would like to see one day supporter could contributes to first and larst name pool.

Current names are just stupid in Chinese

From: Wenzhe

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147948.13 in reply to 147948.10
Date: 6/29/2010 5:15:56 AM
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Your worst case, have still different names but Homer Simpson got chosed from hundreds of players because they like him.

So you could have teams of them easily and also the few guys with "famous" names wouldn't be cool like today.

A simple solution, you can rename your draft to a unique first name+ last name only. I will still be happy to pay since there is no single player with the name I desire in this world, don't take me wrong it is really just a simple common name but not in the system so could never be generated.

From: CrazyEye

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147948.14 in reply to 147948.13
Date: 6/29/2010 5:27:52 AM
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this still make it a lot of work for the gm who had to check each name, and also silly names like |-|0m0r $!mp50n - ok maybe some sign would be forbidden that it don't becme that weird but don't underestimate creativity.

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147948.15 in reply to 147948.4
Date: 6/29/2010 7:30:30 AM
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I'm loving this idea of renaming one draft pick with a drop down list, i also like the custom face thing. Do it charles =D
