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National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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148738.5 in reply to 148738.4
Date: 6/30/2010 7:54:39 AM
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Nice answer! Thank you! Looking forward to reading reviews:)

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
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148738.6 in reply to 148738.5
Date: 6/30/2010 1:56:59 PM
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It seems that there is not enough interest for the NT coach. Although i cannot understand why it is matter to be taken under great consideration. My first, easiest and trickier question to all candidates is:

If you gain election as NT coach, rank your priorities and also explain the way you are planning on achieving them.

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148738.7 in reply to 148738.6
Date: 6/30/2010 3:05:53 PM
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Well the 1st priority, is not the wins. Is to keep the community involved. Teaching Cypriots how to train etc. If i can do that, then the results will come. How i plan to do? i will just follow Steves footsteps. On the tactics, most probably we will see some new things, but on any other aspect, why to change fix if its not broken?

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148738.8 in reply to 148738.7
Date: 6/30/2010 5:48:44 PM
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The priorities set is what in my opinion the coach should have in mind. I hope that the whole community together can achieve it. This is an area that we are lagging since you cannot imagine how difficult it is for the Cyprus community to be involved. Should another target be to grow the community? and how high is this in your priorities?

As an example you can use this thread where only 3 people have posted. Where are the others? There are currently 56 active teams in Cyprus. Nobody has a question for the future holder of the luck of NT? or is it that just nobody cares. This is a great obstacle for the NT coach and a huge burden.

May I say that the tactics were not a part of my question since i believe that they are solely based on the coach. A discussion and advice can be made but decision lies on the coach.

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148738.9 in reply to 148738.8
Date: 6/30/2010 5:49:22 PM
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I look forward to hearing to adiaforos1996 response also!

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148738.10 in reply to 148738.8
Date: 6/30/2010 6:35:01 PM
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From time to time i came on contact with almost every Cypriot manager, but you cant teach someone who doesnt want to learn isnt? Still it will be my major priority. I cant promised for how many seasons i will be NC, so from my day one i will looking for the next one. I just hope that an other Cypriot will be ready.

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148738.11 in reply to 148738.10
Date: 7/1/2010 11:32:25 AM
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I was planning not to involve in the NT election for my own reasons but since Ekleptismenos mentioned an important topic here is my understanding on it. Trying to grow the community has shown not to be an easy task. Trying to grow our NT players and involve all the managers to train their drafts has also not been an easy task either. Our past NT coach, Steve, asked for 3 scouts to keep an eye on future draft upcoming players. How many people answered this cause? Only two. I hear everyone saying that the major cause is to grow the community and teach people to train their players. I only know two managers that kept sending email after email to other managers asking about the skill development of their players. Who are these two people? One is Ekleptismenos our U21 NT coach. Furthermore there is no such thing as people do not want to learn. If you give people the correct arguments and convince them to understand why your ideas are correct based on facts then nearly everyone will listen and follow. If we really wish to teach other managers we need to ask for their development week after week and not give them a good idea or guidence every now and then when we feel like it.
The problem about our community is that only the managers of CBBA are active and only a hand full of the other divisions.
We talk about 56 active teams but in reality the daily active ones are only about 20 to 25.
As to what the priorities of Cyprus future NT coach should be I rather not get involved in such a topic. I will let the canditades do that.

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148738.12 in reply to 148738.11
Date: 7/1/2010 1:25:18 PM
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Who said that i didnt do it on the past? You know you cant teach someone who doesnt want to learn. If you want to learn, the 1st thing that you do is to ask. We tried through the chat, and it worked for some time, but now people left again. Anyway if i get elected, i am open to ideas, and any help is well come.

The NT's are not matter of one person only. On larger communities like Greece for example they are 6-7 persons involved for each NT. So if someone is willing to help, please do that.