Japan are prepared to fight against any earthquake but there is no way to stand against those Tsunami waves at the moment..the only thing to be done is to run away before the waves reach the land..
It is horrifying to watch the various clips from this disaster. Just saw some photographs showing different areas before and after, that really made the impact sink in: (http://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/jordskjelv-i-japan/bild...)Can´t really think of any other country more prepared to handle this kind of thing than Japan, and still the destruction is unbelievable.I have never experienced an earthquake in my life, nor any other kind of disaster even remotely similar to this, so i can´t even begin to understand what the people of Japan are experiencing in this very moment. Still my heart goes out too all the people affected by this. I pray for your safety and well being.