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From: MJ

This Post:
179876.5 in reply to 179876.4
Date: 4/12/2011 4:40:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
It's true.

swift how is your transfer parameter? is it like that I said to0?

From: Manouche

To: MJ
This Post:
179876.6 in reply to 179876.3
Date: 4/12/2011 7:02:58 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Look closely. You have sold 13 players this season, an entire team roster.
You are playing for 2 seasons and your transfer history page is as long as mine. You qualify perfectly for a constant 1 ball :) Not that it matters much. It will take some time to go up. Think of a real life GM with your transfer record, fans will need time to trust him to keep a stable roster.

This Post:
179876.9 in reply to 179876.8
Date: 4/13/2011 12:34:39 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The "I am familiar w/ star players" is extremely flakey and right now for me, makes no sense.

It makes sense because the fans are mentally retarded. You sell a player, they're not happy. You don't sell a player, they're partially happy. So when are they completely happy? when you become a bot and there's no transfer at all :P

They're really really extreme and demanding...what to do...But I really couldn't give a monkey about this "I'm familiar with star players" blah blah nonsense. I mean the effect of this on merchandise or whatever it effects must be so minor.

Last edited by Samurai_Tungi at 4/13/2011 12:35:41 AM

This Post:
179876.11 in reply to 179876.10
Date: 4/13/2011 4:12:28 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
My team went 22-0 regular season by an average score of 42 points
went 5 games deep in the Cup with a div IV team
beat our hated rival in the semi finals
won our first final by 54 points
and I can't get a full 5 balls out of my fans for
"I am pleased with the team's performance this season"

Last edited by Headless T Gunner at 4/13/2011 4:13:50 AM

This Post:
179876.12 in reply to 179876.11
Date: 4/13/2011 4:54:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
well, you didn't get league mvp title for one of your players. -0.5 ball for you :D

This Post:
179876.14 in reply to 179876.10
Date: 4/13/2011 6:17:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
hmm i c. well merchandise fluctuates a lot, so I'm not sure if that 10k loss came only from selling your 2 players.

If that rule applies, that could mean that I should be able to earn about extra 10k by having 4-5 balls on that category as oppose to 1-2 balls. At the beginning of the next season I'm gonna sell some of my players and replace with the cheaper one to save a lot of money. After that I don't intend to sell anybody for 1 season, so I could see if the merchandise increases. Ofc there are so many factors to consider, so I'm not sure how it will come out, but at least I'll observe if it makes any difference to my merchandise.

From: MJ

This Post:
179876.15 in reply to 179876.13
Date: 4/13/2011 1:27:37 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
First of all the cup has nothing to do with that to do. And second the Fan Survey is sometimes a bit strange. If you do promote i will ensure you that you will have 5 balls the entire next season in Last seasons performance though.

see, I promote from div 3 to div 2 last season. I have not seen fans rate my performance above 3.5! it's alternate between 0.5 to 3.5 if I lo0se or win... right now after relegation that I won 2 in a row it's may at its highest: just 3.5!
