In case of the same win - loss record the position between two teams the position it's must based like the real basket :
1. The team who win both games have the lead
2. PD in the games played against the other team (example if win - loss record between the two teams is 1 - 1 and team 1 wins the first game by 15 points e loss the second game by 7 point the team 1 have a better PD so it must to take the lead)
3. PD in the entire championship.
I think it's not better if the team who does best against the league it be best ranked, beacuse a team who win 2 games against the team which have the same record it's probably stronger than the team who lost the 2 games, but it have the same record with worse PD for injuries and it cannot play with the best formation ad it loss games which probably didn't loss if it would have had the best formation