I was mentioning the age and height of the player in regards to a more long term view. The player is old, so what I see now is what I get. He's never going to get better, and there's no room for improvement to help patch the holes in his game. Obviously, as you said, height factors into that discussion as well. I'm fully aware it doesn't translate into in-game production.
Now this player is by no means good, but I'm in deperate need of finding ANYONE who can help me out at that position. This is also my first season in the game, so while his skills may be terrible to some of you, he's actually a decent player in my league. While watching games live, I notice that he rarely has his man score on him, and regularly leads my team in +/-. He's a good shotblocker... I don't know it was just a thought.
Thanks for the opinions.