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TIE and Back-ups agianst bot?

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201893.5 in reply to 201893.1
Date: 11/9/2011 5:26:24 AM
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Yes, will be very fine. And look at the bot's roster: highest salary will play PG, the next plays SG and so on, so you can figure out what Offense to play eg. play inside offenses if they put guards on C/PF spots, or play RnG/Motion etc if they put Cs/Fs as guards. I'd usually look at their last game rating too.

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201893.6 in reply to 201893.1
Date: 11/9/2011 7:27:11 AM
Dodor Utd
A Grupa
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Second Team:
Dodor Inc
Of course you will win. Unless you have enthusiasm of 1 or something...