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Clearing the Fog

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From: SplitJ

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206869.5 in reply to 206869.4
Date: 1/20/2012 10:14:58 PM
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fact: I never agreed to a mutual tie, If you wanted the win you could have normal me hence it is still the same as normaling moosa. I also hinted that I wanted the fan survey and all the D2 managers in the chat keep saying its best interest to throw the game which I do not like and I have never propose any Mutual tie or accepted one so far.

thus fact: Yoda needed to normal 1 of the 3 games to win the game. but unwilling to do so against me by looking down on me. Game shape was not a factor as Yoda was not training any young players and was going to play his starters regardless.

I never said the best manager, just the best team. Beechy had a way better team, it was 450k with adrain shortall? and sid vicious all-in like a crazy mad man with 750k. Smeltz with kylie smeltz.

The game was:

From: yodabig

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206869.6 in reply to 206869.4
Date: 1/20/2012 10:37:41 PM
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the fact is that he got lucky and promtoted (with 5 old 10k veterans due to injuries and much easier confrence) out of the tough III.6 which set many teams like myself, home axis, goldfish etc. a season.

I would actually like to discuss this one in a friendly way. I agree totally that I was incredibly lucky to get out of III.6 in my first season there.

However to win I had to beat in the QF the Melbourne Redbacks who were strong, in the SF the Melbourne Goldfish who were strong and the Victorian Allstars who on paper looked much stronger than me - it is so long ago that it is all a but fuzzy but I think they had multiple $20-30,000 players which was quite good back then while I think my biggest salary was indeed around $10,000. But I did have a belief back then in secondaries so I had things like centers with great OD and PA so for example I think my center was 4th in assists in the league but those things didn't show up in their salaries.

But to escape from that tough, tough league in my first season was incredible luck. They say it is better to be lucky than good!

This Post:
206869.7 in reply to 206869.6
Date: 1/20/2012 11:22:04 PM
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gahh i wish i could promote with 10k players!

Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
From: iwen
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206869.8 in reply to 206869.7
Date: 1/20/2012 11:55:13 PM
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A valiant effort.

Though II.1 forums are still more worthy of drama popcorn.

From: RabidCamel

To: iwen
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206869.9 in reply to 206869.8
Date: 1/22/2012 2:40:35 AM
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I agree, this thread doesn't come close to II.1.

This Post:
206869.10 in reply to 206869.9
Date: 1/22/2012 4:33:25 PM
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we laugh at such kind words

meateros just has to say the grass is green & pabs will rip him a new butthole

ypbs now too

& there have been a few kind words between fat buy & me @ times lol

Last edited by abigfishy at 1/22/2012 4:34:36 PM

This Post:
206869.11 in reply to 206869.1
Date: 1/23/2012 1:30:47 AM
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i read the first few paragraphs thinking this was about you and yoda wearing the same tie to some kind of party and then I got distracted and kept wondering in this meeting I was in at work 'why the fudge would people give such a rats about two guys wearing the same tie to a party' (mutual tie anyone? ahhh sigh)

then i came back and read the rest and realised that, i probably need to sleep more, drink less and perhaps take up exercise or something.

in all seriousness though, its sad that you felt you had to come out and defend yourself like this. Its just a game though, so if people wanna get all cranky-pants and have a go at you, then thats their problem. dun let it affect your experience in the game and if you come out on top because of something that happens, then good for you i say.

This Post:
206869.12 in reply to 206869.11
Date: 1/23/2012 4:21:53 AM
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I totally agree, I find it stupid to apologize for winning a game lol

This Post:
206869.13 in reply to 206869.12
Date: 1/23/2012 6:53:56 AM
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wel.... not stupid, thats a 'harsh' word that i save for pini in the suggestion forums.... .. but u shouldnt have to do it if u win.

and when i said 'sad' in my original post, i meant, sad sad...... like :( sad. disapointing, like im gonna go cry sad. literally.

not sad = ur lame sad. didnt mean it like that, but i just re-read my post and it kinda sounds like im saying that. but im not. so yer. just clearing that up.

This Post:
206869.14 in reply to 206869.11
Date: 1/23/2012 4:16:56 PM
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turning up to a party dressed the same as someone else is very upsetting

i once went to a party where the theme was something starting with "B" wearing a skintone full bodysuit with a wig cut up and stuck in a line down the front

u can imagine how upset i was when i found there was another brazillian

Last edited by abigfishy at 1/23/2012 4:20:23 PM

This Post:
206869.15 in reply to 206869.14
Date: 1/23/2012 7:11:19 PM
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u know what, i think i was at that party.

I was wearing the 'Borat' swimsuit.
