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From: rcvaz

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228833.5 in reply to 228833.4
Date: 10/24/2012 4:30:14 PM
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It won't get him through the season. Those 3 combined make about 9000$, so if all other variables remain constant, it means a 2k profit every week. But he's in a lot of debt already, those 2k are little help when he's going to pay 23k in interest this weekend. After the following weekend's update he's below the -500k line and with no possibility of survival. He has to (at least) sell one of his "real" players, unfortunately

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228833.6 in reply to 228833.1
Date: 10/24/2012 4:33:23 PM
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so I was just told that the floor is -500k before the economic update, so you may be fine.

i may be wrong, and if so, please definitely correct me, but from what I was told, the 2 weeks begin counting when your available cash goes below 500k on sun (before the economy update)... so it would be ok to go < -500k after the economy update on monday so long as you get enough income from your home games to get you back up above -500k by sun.

Also, you get 2/3 * 2 in the first week of playoffs assuming you win the first game.

This was the way it was explained to me. Hope it helps.

And if I am wrong, please correct me.

Last edited by at 10/24/2012 4:44:59 PM

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228833.7 in reply to 228833.6
Date: 10/24/2012 5:31:43 PM
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long term, roll your LT and Luxury Box ticket costs a little. probably 2-3 dollars less on the LT, probably 30-40 less on the Luxury Boxes.

I really think you should long to more efficiently build your team long term as well. Other good teams in your division are spending 40-50k less per week in player salary minimum. If it's kinda a broken system for you now, it's only going to get slightly better with more fans in D.III

From: Wakes

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228833.8 in reply to 228833.5
Date: 10/24/2012 6:51:28 PM
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You're spot right. I'd forgotten about the tax on teams in debt.

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228833.9 in reply to 228833.8
Date: 10/26/2012 9:16:39 PM
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Your problem is you players.

For Div.IV you got players that are way too expensive SALARY wise.
Even to win a Div IV you dont need 30k players AT ALL.

So thats what happens if you want it all TOO QUICK.

Sell off most of what you have, and then rebuy guys with lower wages.


This Post:
228833.10 in reply to 228833.1
Date: 10/28/2012 9:30:06 AM
Fab Five
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Fabulous Five
I dont think your rouster is that expensive for div IV, but I got to div III with a cheaper team. The problem is the debt, so I would sell the more expensive player (that 49k pivot), and clear most of the debt. You can even sell a few more players, buy some usefull young players and be in a much better position for next year.