According to the Matchup Predictor.
Smallfries ratings, at home, LI/M2M:
Outside Scoring- Mediocre (high)
Inside Scoring- Proficient (High)
Perimeter Defense- Prominent (High)
Inside Defense- Prominent (Low)
Rebounding- Respectable (Low)
Offensive Flow- Respectable (Medium)
Chek's Ratings, at home, LI/M2M:
Outside Scoring- Average (High)
Inside Scoring- Prolific (High)
Perimeter Defense- Prominent (Low)
Inside Defense- Prominent (Low)
Rebounding- Strong (High)
Offensive Flow- Respectable (High)
Looking at these, they are pretty close, but I think I will go with Chek's ratings, with the huge advantage on the Boards and offensive end.
If you guys were to play each other with no one having HCA, Matchup Predictor predicts:
Chek winning 85% of the time.
Score: 87-76 Chekreyes winning.
Last edited by CoachSK at 1/9/2013 8:50:55 PM