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Suggestions > The reasons that make me think of leaving the game...

The reasons that make me think of leaving the game...

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From: Melo9

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258551.5 in reply to 258551.1
Date: 5/1/2014 10:52:46 AM
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Well, I got to agree with my portuguese mate here, as a training lover, gameshape training is killing the game, and you should think about it for next season. I also agree that outside offense need a boost. A guy with 20 jumpshot and 12 jump range seems as good as a guy with 19 js and 16 jr when shooting 3's. As jumpranget is so expensive, I think it should give more.
As for the teams that opt puting the bench players, I understand your frustration, but since we got game shape on bb, we got to think on player minutew per week, and if we are weaker, we choose to use our starters on 2 games we shoul win, and let the probable loose come against the best team in the league :p

Last edited by Melo9 at 5/1/2014 10:53:31 AM

This Post:
258551.6 in reply to 258551.1
Date: 5/1/2014 4:10:39 PM
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I can't say any of these issues bother me as much as you, but I get it. I'm wondering if you'd get more traction on your issues if you had made separate threads for each issue.

The fastest way of win in BB now it's buy a bunch of old players and train game shape (...) in my opinion that's one of the causes for killing bb now
I understand the game shape thing. It would be more fair if getting better game shape was only possible through minute management. Perhaps by simply removing game shape training as suggested in this thread (258172.1) would alleviate your concerns.

That being said, I think buying old players should be a legit strategy for trying to win quickly. NBA teams do it all the time, not always with success. Perhaps BuzzerBeater is out of balance though, I'm not certain.

I give you an example, in NBA the Spurs make some players rest and where punished for that. I think a possible solution would be lower ticket revenues for the next games, even the cup would gain new interest because the teams of lower divisions would have better chance vs teams of top divisions.
I definitely agree with you. Teams tank in real life. That being said, you generally don't see games with an 80 point margin of victory, which you do see in BB. Even in the finals, you'll see the superior team tank a game by 80 points, to get one last home game. Imagine that happened in the NBA Finals? People would lose it. I have no issue with their being a harsh penalty for it in terms of ticket revenue.

look inside still dominates
When I look at Look Inside, it still seems overpowered in terms of how many shots are taken where and the shot percentages in those locations. That being said, I don't think everyone has adjusted and trained for shot blocking changes, salary formula changes and game-day tactic guessing. I am concerned that if you continue to make changes that we'll swing too far in the other direction.

...creating "Utopia" despite the fact it totally ruins in-game economics.
That's temporary. It was a one time influx of demand on the lower end of the transfer market. Once those teams get stronger and a greater diversity emerges the market will level off.

Last edited by Phat Panda at 5/1/2014 4:37:33 PM

This Post:
258551.7 in reply to 258551.1
Date: 5/2/2014 6:46:22 PM
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GS training removal - A must, do it immediately.

Blank lineup removal - would increase the fun, but I would think it through.

This Post:
258551.8 in reply to 258551.6
Date: 5/3/2014 6:21:00 PM
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...creating "Utopia" despite the fact it totally ruins in-game economics.
That's temporary. It was a one time influx of demand on the lower end of the transfer market. Once those teams get stronger and a greater diversity emerges the market will level off.

It is temporary but its not a one time thing. Due to the promotion system the first seasons the number of promotions will be very high, and with each promotion there is a prize money associated to it, therefore injecting even more money in the game

From: FSH
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258551.9 in reply to 258551.8
Date: 5/5/2014 12:07:17 PM
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About only 1 point of OP, I am just going to say this:

"Game shape" training is the cancer of this game. It must be removed as soon as possible.

Also, it should be a training combination of free throws and stamina, obviusly weaker than train them separately.

From: HAHA

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258551.12 in reply to 258551.7
Date: 6/4/2014 10:37:53 AM
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Just remove GS training? or shall we have another training instead of GS training?

If for fun, I would like to suggest agility or jumping, which may lead to players become taller.

If for real, I would like to suggest dunk training, which improve Inside Shooting and Blocking.

Last edited by HAHA at 6/4/2014 10:38:14 AM

From: Marko

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258551.13 in reply to 258551.12
Date: 6/4/2014 4:15:29 PM
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I guess I'd switch those two places.

From: HAHA

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258551.14 in reply to 258551.13
Date: 6/5/2014 4:34:24 AM
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LOL ...

Another alternative is called: Random, which means the training would be selected by BB randomly. Good luck.

From: Myles

This Post:
258551.15 in reply to 258551.1
Date: 6/5/2014 7:33:31 AM
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In second i think there should be a way of punishing the teams who don't want to compete, the teams that every week use they second team in one game, that teams usually give up of the games against the stronger teams which makes even easier for them win matchs. One example, i'm one of the most strong teams in Portuguese League and there are teams that when play against me give up, don't try to win.

In real life there are no cup games.
And GS.

Last edited by Myles at 6/5/2014 7:37:01 AM
