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Another Enthusiasm Question

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262006.5 in reply to 262006.1
Date: 8/12/2014 10:33:17 PM
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Just remember that Effort and Enthusiasm are actually two seperate (but related) concepts. They also (anecdotal) have different impacts to different parts of the game.

Effort is what your team will put in for that particular game .

Enthusiasm is based on previous games effort. More effort in previous games results in lower enthusiasm moving forward.

SO if your team's Enthusiasm is 5, if you put in Crunch Time Effort, it doesn't actually 'magically' make your enthusiasm 7 or 8.
HOWEVER, what most people do, is in order to measure the equivilant effect of Effort on a game, they talk about it in terms of a resultant Enthusiasm value.
This isnt strictly true, but it does help give you a measure of what your team is going to be capable of and a bit of a formulae for working out how good your team is going to be.

As i mentioned previously, there is anecdotal evidence floating around the traps that suggests that Effort and Enthusiasm result in different impact to your team. From what I can remember, Enthusiasm makes your team better overall (eg: A bit like Game shape on individual players).
Whilst it is believed that Effort will increase specific items more than other items. Fouling, rebounding, aggresiveness, stealing etc.

Generally ive noticed games where I CT, the guys do foul a bit more, crash the boards a bit more, get more steals, and there is probably some negative to this as well.

So yer. hope this helps.

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262006.6 in reply to 262006.5
Date: 8/13/2014 12:06:41 AM
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Thanks for all the replies.

I was not concerned with enthusiasm dropping by 1/2 after I CT. I wanted to know if my enthusiasm rating is already at obsessed or fanatical, and I really want to win a particular game, and I play CT, if my team will play that much better that game or the play won't be that different for that game if I normal it (since enthusiasm rating is already so high).

Hope that makes sense.

From: abu

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262006.7 in reply to 262006.5
Date: 8/14/2014 12:29:40 PM
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regarding effort-----what does _____ team seems like the only one trying out there? is it your team on CT and your opponent as TIE?

Last edited by abu at 8/14/2014 12:34:24 PM

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262006.8 in reply to 262006.1
Date: 8/14/2014 1:02:44 PM
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enthu is just that, it wont make then play any better per say, this depend on your skills of your players and other factors.

Now don't get it confused they will play harder but its not like it assumed as in "run them off the floor mentality", Player skills make difference too and other factors. It can be the highest set of enthu but if the skills are awful in every slot , I Think you can figure out the rest.

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 8/14/2014 1:03:59 PM

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262006.9 in reply to 262006.7
Date: 8/14/2014 1:14:09 PM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Yes the team that's trying used CT and the other team used TIE.

From: Coach Regan

To: abu
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262006.10 in reply to 262006.7
Date: 8/14/2014 7:19:52 PM
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Yes thats correct.

This Post:
262006.11 in reply to 262006.9
Date: 8/15/2014 9:27:32 PM
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to jeroebendar and coach regan, thanks a lot

From: MrSerg
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262006.12 in reply to 262006.11
Date: 8/16/2014 11:25:16 AM
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How do you "detect" the effort of the other team?

From: abu

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262006.14 in reply to 262006.12
Date: 8/16/2014 11:59:09 PM
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the only way is to review the past games of your next opponent, go back at least the last 5-10 games to "detect" his enthu.

if your opponent always plays normal, then in one match result you see that his opponent put more in that game, that must be CT vs your next "scouted opponent's" normal, thus his enthu is still ready.

if your scouted opponent always uses TIE ( you always notice in his last 10 games that his opponent always put more effort then just count the number of games from the time you notice that result and add to 5 to estimate his enthu
example you start detecting " his opponent put more effort" in the last 6 games, then you could estimate that his current enthu level must be 10 to 11 already

From: Coach Regan

To: abu
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262006.15 in reply to 262006.14
Date: 8/17/2014 9:12:28 AM
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thats enthusiasm, but he asked how to detect Effort.

which is different to Enthusiasm.

Effort cannot be 'detected' or found out before the game. You can only retrospectively see what the opposition set as their game effort, in the box score.
