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Suggestions > trainers market

trainers market

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311599.7 in reply to 311599.5
Date: 9/23/2021 7:22:33 PM
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Your analysis is flawed.

Unemployed staff reduce their requested salary if they are not hired
This has nothing to do with bidding among teams. If you think this adjustment is important, it can be done regardless. If most teams select a given level, raise the price/salary of that level. And the reverse of course. (I don't think this is necessary anyway)

They might set it too cheap and then everyone will have get the highest level staff - or it will be too expensive and people won't bother getting any staff.
If the economy changes, people will maybe get a level higher or lower than before. It will also depend on the situation of the team. Everybody taking the highest or lowest level? Nonsense.

Consider the hire internally option...
This comparison proves that you don't understand what you are saying. One thing is selecting internal or market. Other thing is selecting the level. Those are two different decisions. If there is no market, you still have to select the level.

If you don't like bidding multiple timea...
This argument is absurd. Imagine a game where, in order to win, you have to stay one hour a day just clicking a button. You would say "that is a crappy game". Then I say, if you don't want to do the clicking, just lose. Nonsense.

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311599.8 in reply to 311599.7
Date: 9/23/2021 10:47:16 PM
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is just like the way they are saying the game is good for slow pace where you do not need to login everyday, yet when comes to staff market you need to be addicted to the game where you need to stay on your browser for 1 hour just to "bid higher"..

anw, i support trainer market need to change XD

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311599.11 in reply to 311599.9
Date: 9/24/2021 4:36:24 AM
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The key point is that staff members don't motivate us like players do.

I am still able to set an alarm in the middle of the night to try and sign a key player that I will enjoy in my roster for several seasons.

I can wait for a few minutes in front of the computer to get a cheap sixth man that I will sell in ten weeks.

I enjoy those players after every training season, during every game preparation.

But, a staff member? A guy that will be sleeping in the staff page and I hopefully won't see again in a long time? Oh, please, no. That is just a pain in the ass.

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311599.12 in reply to 311599.11
Date: 9/24/2021 5:45:45 AM
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The solution could be the one introduced (over 10 years ago) in another online game. Give users the ability to set a maximum auction cap, then the system auto-raises up to the maximum. In this way we don't have to spend hours wasting away (because, let's face it, we often lack material time) and the game would finally have an interesting feature.
it's time for the game to introduce something new, it's constantly losing users, and if you don't make the user iteration faster, fate is sealed. Only a few loyal users will continue to play

Last edited by FlagelloLion at 9/24/2021 5:47:48 AM

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311599.13 in reply to 311599.12
Date: 9/24/2021 7:07:30 AM
Franca Shoemakers Revival
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Mito só o da Caverna
I'm totally against automatic auction caps for the player market but I would give my thumbs up if it was implemented for staff.

This could be a decent compromise between keeping the spirit of free market regulating prices and making things less painful for managers to deal with something which consumes much more time and work than it should.
