(2) There are already some ideas how to change the league name. I think we should wait till Monday for finally decision. Than I'll let you know.
(3) In Poland, we can translate 'Manager' as "Menadżer" (it is the person, who usually makes the bigest decisions - like General Manager in your country). I'm not sure if NT Manager buy and sell players, changes tickets prices, execute traingin (like you said), choose picks from draft, choose Teams Personel etc. If he does, well, OK :)
I understand, that the name 'Manager' is OK for you. But maybe it is possible, to make 2 tags with this name - one for team Manager, one for NT Manager. In that case we can translate it in another way.
(4) Well, "Round Robin Pools" apears only once, and is translated. But below it are pools - Pool A, Pool B etc. I know that every single player knows, that there are just "Tabela A, Tabela B" etc. or "Grupa A, Grupa B", but it would be nice to translate it :)
I know, I know - I gripe :) But it is a great occasion to ask you for almost everything :)